Research group

Matias Castro Tapia, MSc student
Structure and evolution of white dwarfs
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Raphaël Hardy, PhD student at Université de Montréal, cosupervised with Paul Charbonneau
Dynamics of magnetized hot Jupiter atmospheres
(1) (2) (3)
Numa Karolinski, PhD student
Simulations of neutron star winds
Shu Zhang, MSc student
Simulations of astrophysical penetrative convection

Previous group members

I have also been lucky to work with many outstanding undergraduate students at McGill, too many to list here. Research possibilities include NSERC USRA summer awards, PHYS 396, or thesis projects for physics students.

Want to join?

There are often openings for graduate student and undergraduate student research projects. Contact me if you are interested!