McGill.CA / Science / Department of Physics


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Sep 2017: Congratulations to Dr. Martin Carrier-Vallières

Martin Carrier-Vallières has successfully defended his PhD thesis (Radiomics: enabling factors towards precision medicine). (...)»
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Jul 2017: Congratulations to Dr. Robert Archibald

Robert Archibald has successfully defended his PhD thesis (X-ray timing of young pulsars). (...)»
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Jun 2017: Congratulations to Dr. Benjamin D'Anjou

Benjamin D'Anjou has successfully defended his PhD thesis (Optimization of real-world qubit measurements). (...)»
CAP logo

Jun 2017: McGill Physics student placed 1st in the CAP University Exam

McGill Physics' Miles Cranmer was placed first in this year's CAP University Exam competition. (...)»
Nikolas Provatas

Jun 2017: Nikolas Provatas awarded the John David Jackson Award

Nikolas Provatas has won the Department of Physics John David Jackson Award for Excellence in Teaching (...)»
Simon Caron-Huot

May 2017: Simon Caron-Huot wins the 2017 Gribov Medal

Congratulations to Simon Caron-Huot has won the 2017 Gribov Medal, awarded for outstanding work by a young physicist in Theoretical Particle Physics and/or Field Theory, (...)»
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Apr 2017: Congratulations to Dr. Evan McDonough

Evan McDonough has successfully defended his PhD thesis (High Energy Physics and the Early Universe). (...)»
Mark Sutton

Apr 2017: Mark Sutton wins the 2017 CAP Medal for Lifetime Achievement in Physics

Mark Sutton has won the 2017 CAP Lifetime Achievement in Physics (...)»
Paul François

Apr 2017: Paul François wins the 2017 CAP Herzberg Medal

Paul François has won the 2017 CAP Herzberg Medal (...)»
Charles Gale

Apr 2017: Charles Gale wins the 2017 CAP-TRIUMF Vogt Medal

Charles Gale has won the 2017 CAP-TRIUMF Vogt Medal (...)»
Victoria Kaspi

Apr 2017: Victoria Kaspi recipient of the 2017 Prix d'excellence FRQNT

Victoria Kaspi is one of the recipienst of the 2017 Prix d'excellence du Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies. (...)»
Aashish Clerk

Mar 2017: Aashish Clerk awarded a Simons Fellowship

Aashish Clerk has been awarded a Simons Fellowship in Theoretical Physics. (...)»
Lily Childress

Mar 2017: Lily Childress awarded the John David Jackson Award

Lily Childress has won the Department of Physics John David Jackson Award for Excellence in Teaching (...)»
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Feb 2017: Montréal ranked 1st student city

Montréal now ranks 1st in the 2017 QS Student Cities index. (...)»
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Feb 2017: Congratulations to Dr. Eva Alonso Ortiz

Eva Alonso Ortiz has successfully defended her PhD thesis (Gradient echo-based quantitative myelin water imaging). (...)»
Victoria Kaspi

Dec 2016: Congratulations to Victoria Kaspi

The Department of Physics is very proud of all her achievements that led to her being appointed Companion of the Order of Canada. (...)»
Shaun Lovejoy

Aug 2016: Shaun Lovejoy named a Fellow of the AGU

Congratulations to Shaun Lovejoy, who has been named a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union. (...)»
Physics Hackathon logo

Jul 2016: Physics Hackathon 2016

Congratulations to the Physics Hackathon team for a successful, exciting and fun event. (...)»
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Jun 2016: Congratulations to Dr. Simon Archambault

Simon Archambault has successfully defended his PhD thesis (Search for very-high-energy gamma-ray emission from primordial black holes). (...)»
Ken Ragan

Jun 2016: Ken Ragan wins SALTICE's 2016 Pedagogical Innovation and Lifetime of Contribution Award

Congratulations to Ken Ragan who won the The 2016 Pedagogical Innovation and lifetime of Contribution Award from SALTISE. (...)»
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May 2016: Congratulations to Dr. Ann-Lauriene Haag

Ann-Lauriene Haag has successfully defended her PhD thesis (Potential-driven surface stress of a cantilever-based sensor). (...)»
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May 2016: Congratulations to Dr. SangKyu Lee

SangKyu Lee has successfully defended his PhD thesis (System radiobiology modelling of radiation induced lung disease). (...)»
Bill Coish, Paul François and Walter Reisner

May 2016: Congratulations to Bill, Paul and Walter!

Bill Coish, Paul François and Walter Raisner have been promoted to the rank of Associate Professors in Physics with tenure (...)»
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May 2016: Congratulations to Dr. Félix Beaudoin

Félix Beaudoin has successfully defended his PhD thesis (Understanding and supressing dephasing noise in semiconductor qubits). (...)»
Charles Gale

Apr 2016: Charles Gale wins a Killam Fellowship

Congratulations to Charles Gale for winning a prestigious Killam Research Fellowship. (...)»
Igor Kozlov

Mar 2016: Igor Kozlov receives a 2016 Scarlet Key Society award

Congratulations to Igor Kozlov, McGill Physics graduate student, for receiving a 2016 Scarlet Key Society award (...)»
Victoria Kaspi

Feb 2016: Victoria Kaspi wins the Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal

We are proud of Victoria Kaspi, the youngest winner of Canada's top science prize, the $1 million Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal (...)»
Aashish Clerk

Feb 2016: Aashish Clerk appointed a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair

Congratulations to Aashish Clerk for being appointed Tier 1 Canara Research Chair in Theory of Engineered Quantum Systems. (...)»
Marc Tessier-Lavigne

Feb 2016: Marc Tessier-Lavigne appointed 11th president of Stanford

Congratulations to Marc Tessier-Lavigne (B.Sc. Honors Physics - 1980) who has just been appointed as Stanford's 11th president. (...)»
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Jan 2016: Congratulations to Dr. Racha Cheaib

Racha Cheaib has successfully defended her PhD thesis (A search for the decay of a B meson into a kaon and a tau lepton pair at the BaBar experiment). (...)»
Hong Guo

Dec 2015: Hong Guo awarded the John David Jackson Award

Hong Guo has won the Department of Physics John David Jackson Award for Excellence in Teaching (...)»
Chun Shen

Oct 2015: Chun Shen wins the APS Dissertation Award in Nuclear Physics

Congratulations to Chun Shen, Postdoctoral fellow in the Nuclear Theory group, who has received the APS Dissertation Award in Nuclear Physics (...)»
Martin Grant

Oct 2015: Martin Grant elected Fellow of the APS

Congratulations to Martin Grant for being elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (...)»
Matt Dobbs

Sep 2015: Matt Dobbs, new member of the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists

Matt Dobbs is part of the 2015 cohort of the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists (...)»
Aashish Clerk

Sep 2015: Aashish Clerk wins the 2015 RSC's Rutherford Medal

Aashish Clerk, has been awarded the Rutherford Memorial Medal in Physics by the Royal Society of Canada (...)»

Sep 2015: NASA Telescopes Find Galaxy Cluster with Vibrant Heart

NASA has announced the discovery of a rare galaxy cluster whose center is bursting with new stars in an article published in the August 20th issue of the Astrophysical Journal. Tracy Webb, lead author, (...)»
Robert Brandenberger

Sep 2015: Robert Brandenberger elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada

Robert Brandenberger has been elected Fellow of the The Royal Society of Canada for his ground-breaking contributions to early universe cosmology. (...)»
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Sep 2015: Congratulations to Dr. Jean-François Paquet

Jean-François Paquet has successfully defended his PhD thesis (Characterizing the non-equilibrium quark-gluon plasma with photons and hadrons). (...)»
Shaun Lovejoy

Jul 2015: Congratulation to Shaun Lovejoy

Shaun Lovejoy was selected the 2015 Lorenz Lecturer of the American Geophysical Union. (...)»
CFI logo

Jun 2015: $8M for nanoscale quantum systems at Sherbrooke, McGill, and Concordia

The Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI), the Quebec government, and other partners have recently announced support for the New Initiative for Quantum Information Science and Technology (NIQUIST) of nearly $8M. (...)»
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May 2015: Congratulations to Dr. Kuhan Wang

Kuhan Wang has successfully defended his PhD thesis (Search for physics beyond the standard model in multi-jet events recorded with the ATLAS detector in p-p collisions at center of mass energy = 8 TeV using large hadron collider). (...)»
Victoria Kaspi

May 2015: Victoria Kaspi voted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Congratulations to Victoria Kaspi, who was voted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, one of the most prestigious honorary societies in the United States. (...)»
Brigitte Vachon

May 2015: Brigitte Vachon receives the 2015 Women of Distinction Awards

The Department of Physics is proud of Brigitte Vachon, this year's YWCA Women of Distinction in the Science and Technology Category. (...)»
Anne Archibald

Apr 2015: Dr Anne Archibald awarded APS' 2014 Prize for top PhD thesis in Astrophysics

Former McGill graduate Anne Archibald has been awarded the American Physical Society's 2014 Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award in Astrophysics (...)»
Victoria Kaspi

Apr 2015: Victoria Kaspi wins Killam Prize

Congratulations to Victoria Kaspi on winning the prestigious Killam Prize (...)»
Mark Orchard-Webb

Apr 2015: Mark Orchard-Webb awarded the Faculty of Science Excellence Award

Congratulations to Mark Orchard-Webb for winning the 2015 Faculty of Science Excellence Award. (...)»
Alex Klotz

Apr 2015: 42 is not always the answer

Congratulations to Alex Klotz for the cool article about how long would it take you to fall through Earth. (...)»
Jim Cline

Mar 2015: Jim Cline named Outstanding Referee by the APS

Jim Cline is one of the 142 2015 Outstanding Referees of the Physical Review and Physical Review Letters journals. (...)»
Paul François

Mar 2015: Paul François wins a Principal's Prize for Outstanding Emerging Researcher

Congratulations to Paul François who has just been announced a winner of this years' Principal's Prize for Outstanding Emerging Researcher! (...)»
31st Astro Night

Mar 2015: Close to 110 people attend the 31st public Astro Night

On March 19th, close to 110 people attended Richard Léveillé's talk Modern Planetary Science: Exploring the Diversity of our Solar System. (...)»
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Mar 2015: Congratulations to Dr. Julien Lhermitte

Julien Lhermitte has successfully defended his PhD thesis (Using Coherent Xrays to measure velocity profiles). (...)»
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Mar 2015: Congratulations to Dr. Alexandre Belin

Alexandre Belin has successfully defended his PhD thesis (The phase structure of entanglement measures and their role in holography and quantum gravity). (...)»
Anne Archibald

Mar 2015: Dr Anne Archibald awarded CASCA's J.S. Plaskett Medal

Former McGill graduate Anne Archibald has been awarded CASCA's J.S. Plaskett Medal for her PhD thesis The End of Accretion: The X-ray Binary/Millisecond Pulsar Transition Object PSR J1023+0038 (...)»
Robert Brandenberger

Mar 2015: Robert Brandenberger awarded a Simons Fellowship

Robert Brandenberger has been awarded a Simons Fellowship in Theoretical Physics. (...)»
Aashish Clerk and Guillaume Gervais

Mar 2015: Aashish Clerk and Guillaume Gervais promoted to Full Professors

Congratulations to Aashish Clerk and Guillaume Gervais for their promotion to Full Professorships in Physics. (...)»
Charles Gale

Mar 2015: Charles Gale wins CAP-CRM Prize

Charles Gale has won this year's CAP-CRM Prize in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. (...)»
Andreas Warburton

Mar 2015: Andreas Warburton elected Physics Coordinator for ATLAS-Canada

Congratulations to Andreas Warburton, who has been elected by his peers as the Physics Coordinator for ATLAS-Canada (...)»
30th Astro Night

Feb 2015: Over 150 people attend the 30th public Astro Night

On February 19th, over 150 people attended Howard Trottier's talk The Passion and Science of Amateur Astronomy: A Scientist's Diary given for the 30th Public Astro Night. (...)»
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Feb 2015: Congratulations to Dr. René Michel Savard

René Michel Savard has successfully defended his PhD thesis (Mass Transport in single Nanopores). (...)»
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Jan 2015: Congratulations to Dr. Nicholas Park

Nicholas Park has successfully defended his PhD thesis (Essays in late time cosmology). (...)»
29th Astro Night

Jan 2015: About 75 people attend the 29th public Astro Night

On January 15th, about 75 people attended Sébastien Guillot's talk Are we there yet? Climbing the rungs of the cosmic ladder. (...)»
Victoria Kaspi

Dec 2014: Victoria Kaspi elected Fellow of the APS

Congratulations to Victoria Kaspi for being elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (...)»
Icy Photons

Dec 2014: Icy Photons win the Championship

On December 3rd, the Physics C-league hockey team Icy Photons won the championship, (...)»
Charles Gale

Dec 2014: Charles Gale wins a Humboldt Research Award

Congratulations to Charles Gale for winning a prestigious Humboldt Research Award. (...)»

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