Congress 2002
Minutes of the Annual PPD Meeting
There was a congress organization meeting
in the Fall of 2001 at the CAP offices.
Tom Mattison (UBC) attended as current Chair of the Particle Physics
Division. Agenda items were:
L.Kram was proposed as plenary speaker.
The status of the division finances were shown,
yealy incomes from membership (370$) and
expected special expenses (LLWI prize 300$, L.Kram 1,500$).
Membership went from 141 to 149.
F. Corriveau (McGill) presented
the thesis and talk prize proposals
modified since
last year:
The thesis prize proposal was rejected.
The presentation talk proposal was accepted under the following
conditions modifying the content of the present presentation:
starting in 2003 only, for graduate students giving
invited or contributed talks, 300$ prize, poster
session entries also considered if any.
Other technical details are left for the next Chair and would
appear in these minutes.
F. Corriveau, Fall 2002.