Radiation Tolerant Microelectronics by Design --------------------------------------------- Dr. Douglas M. Gingrich University of Alberta/TRIUMF L. Chen University of Alberta The radiation environment of high-energy physics experiments have recently become a major concern. Special precautions need to be taken to ensure that the front-end readout electronics will perform reliably over the lifetime of the experiment. Using advanced commercial microelectronics fabrication facilities, along with radiation tolerant circuit designs, has proven to be an effective solution to the radiation problem. Ionizing radiation causes leakage currents within and between the transistors comprising the circuits. By making a modification to the conventional transistor geometry, it is possible to eliminate these radiation-induced current leakage paths. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the radiation-tolerant by design approach. The performance of single transistors, as well as, complete application specific integrated circuits before and after being subjected to ionizing radiation will be presented.