Data Analysis Techniques for High Precision Measurement of Muon Decay Parameters. Konstantin Olchanski TRIUMF - Konstantin Olchanski TRIUMF Data Analysis Techniques for High Precision Measurement of Muon Decay Parameters. The TRIUMF Weak Interaction Symmetry Test (TWIST) is investigating the space-time structure of the charged-current weak interaction. We look for deviations from the predictions of the "V-A" submodel of the Standard Model in the dominant decay mode of the muon, the purely leptonic decay mu+ -> e+ nu nubar. By improving the world-best measurements of the muon decay by a factor of 10, we hope to open (or close) the window on physics possibilities beyond the Standard Model. TWIST is a systematics-dominated experiment. We have developed techniques for using special data runs and special simulations to measure the impact of systematic effects on the overall error, rank the effects by importance, and to eliminate some effects as sources of systematic error. TWIST uses a system of very low mass planar wire chambers. Still, multiple Coulomb scattering and energy loss effects are significant and require careful handling. We have adopted the kink method (G.Lutz, etc) for handling multiple scattering and perform a self-consistent positron energy scale calibration to handle energy loss. In any high-precision experiment, it's important to minimize the potential for subjective bias, typically through blind analysis techniques. TWIST has developed a novel procedure utilizing public-key cryptography to extract the muon decay parameters in a blind manner. This talk will describe the data analysis procedures used by TWIST.