MO-A9-3                                  10:45


A Search For The Decays B+ To Ell Nu (ell=e,nu) Using Hadronic Tag Reconstruction, Miika Klemetti , S.H. Robertson , McGill University  — We present a search for the rare decay modes [B+ ® m+nm], and [B+ ® e+ne] with data collected by the BaBar detector at the PEP-II storage ring at SLAC in Stanford, California.  This search utilizes a novel technique in which we fully reconstruct the accompanying B‾ in ¡ (4S) events, and look for a monoenergetic lepton in the B+ frame.  We present the preliminary results of the analysis, which is based on a data sample of approximately 230 million B+B‾ pairs (corresponding to an integrated luminosity of ~ 207fb-1).