MO-P7-6 16:45
New Improved
Phase Of PICASSO Installation At SNOLAB*,
Razvan Gornea, for the PICASSO
collaboration , University of
Montreal — The PICASSO collaboration is currently
installing a new phase of the PICASSO experiment aiming for direct dark matter
detection. Up to 32 detectors (a
total of 2.6 kg of active mass) of an improved new generation will be
installed in the SNOLAB underground laboratory situated inside INCO mine in
Sudbury. We are going to describe the
performance of the new generation of superheated droplets detectors and present
their performance: neutron sensitivity and background levels. The data acquisition, event selection and
analysis systems will be detailed.
* This work is
being supported by CRSNG
* This work is
being supported by CRSNG