
A full chronological list of publications is given below. You can also see a list of papers in this NASA ADS library, or on arXiv or Google Scholar.

Full list of refereed papers


  1. Weak X-ray Bursts on Slowly Accreting Neutron Stars, Sierra Casten, Simon Guichandut, Andrew Cumming, and Edward F. Brown 2025, submitted to ApJ
  2. Hot Jupiters in the Claws of Chaos, Raphael Hardy, Paul Charbonneau, and Andrew Cumming 2025, submitted to Chaos
  3. Hot Spot Offset Variability from Magnetohydrodynamical Thermoresistive Instability in Hot Jupiters, Raphael Hardy, Paul Charbonneau, and Andrew Cumming 2025, ApJ 978, 149 arXiv


  1. Hydrodynamical simulations of proton ingestion flashes in Type I X-ray Bursts, Simon Guichandut, Michael Zingale, Andrew Cumming 2024, ApJ 975, 250 arXiv
  2. Magnetic field evolution for crystallization-driven dynamos in C/O white dwarfs, Matias Castro-Tapia, Shu Zhang, Andrew Cumming 2024, ApJ 975, 63 arXiv
  3. A short intense dynamo at the onset of crystallization in white dwarfs, J.R. Fuentes, Matias Castro-Tapia, Andrew Cumming 2024, ApJ 964, L15 arXiv
  4. Fast and slow crystallization-driven convection in white dwarfs, Matias Castro Tapia, Andrew Cumming, J.R. Fuentes 2024, ApJ 969, 10 arXiv


  1. Magnetohydrodynamical torsional oscillations from thermo-resistive instability in hot jupiters, Raphael Hardy, Paul Charbonneau, and Andrew Cumming 2023, ApJ 959, 41 arXiv
  2. The imprint of convection on Type I X-ray bursts: pauses in photospheric radius expansion lightcurves, Simon Guichandut and Andrew Cumming 2023, ApJ 954, 54 arXiv
  3. Rotation reduces convective entrainment in Jupiter and other gas giants, J. R. Fuentes, Evan H. Anders, Andrew Cumming, and Bradley W. Hindman 2023, ApJL, 950, L4 arXiv
  4. Heat transport and convective velocities in compositionally-driven convection in neutron star and white dwarf interiors, J.R. Fuentes, Andrew Cumming, Matias Castro-Tapia, and Evan H. Anders 2023, ApJ, 950,73 arXiv
  5. A catalog of unusually long thermonuclear bursts on neutron stars, Khaled Alizai et al. 2023, MNRAS 521, 3608 arXiv
  6. Direct Discovery of the Inner Exoplanet in the HD 206893 System: Evidence for Deuterium Burning in a Planetary Mass Companion, S. Hinkley et al. 2023, A&A, 671, L5 arXiv


  1. Variability from thermo-resistive instability in the atmospheres of hot jupiters, Raphael Hardy, Andrew Cumming, and Paul Charbonneau 2022, ApJ 940, 123 arXiv
  2. Fast neutrino cooling in the accreting neutron star MXB 1659-29, Melissa Mendes, Farrukh J. Fattoyev, Andrew Cumming, and Charles Gale 2022, ApJ 938, 119 arXiv
  3. Layer formation in a stably-stratified fluid cooled from above. Towards an analog for Jupiter and other gas giants, Rafael Fuentes, Andrew Cumming, and Evan Anders 2022, PR Fluids, 7, 124501 arXiv
  4. The effect of late giant collisions on the atmospheres of protoplanets and the formation of cold sub-Saturns, Mohamad Ali-Dib, Andrew Cumming, and Doug Lin 2022, MNRAS 509, 1413 arXiv


  1. Cooling delays from iron sedimentation and iron inner cores in white dwarfs, M.E. Caplan et al. 2021, ApJ 919, L12 arXiv
  2. Expanded atmospheres and winds in Type I X-ray bursts from accreting neutron stars, Simon Guichandut, Andrew Cumming, Maurizio Falanga, Zhaosheng Li, and Michael Zamfir 2021, ApJ 914, 49 arXiv
  3. Shear flows and their suppression at large aspect ratio. Two-dimensional simulations of a growing convection zone, Rafael Fuentes and Andrew Cumming 2021, PR Fluids, 6, 074502 arXiv


  1. Penetration of a cooling convective layer into a stably-stratified composition gradient: entrainment at low Prandtl number, Rafael Fuentes and Andrew Cumming 2020, PR Fluids, 5, 124501 arXiv
  2. Neon Cluster Formation and Phase Separation during White Dwarf Cooling , M. E. Caplan, C. J. Horowitz, and A. Cumming 2020, ApJL 902, 44 arXiv
  3. The Challenge of Forming a Fuzzy Core in Jupiter, Simon Muller, Andrew Cumming, and Ravit Helled 2020, A&A 638, 121 arXiv
  4. The Imprint of the Protoplanetary Disk in the Accretion of Super-Earth Envelopes, Mohamad Ali-Dib, Andrew Cumming, and Doug Lin 2020, MNRAS, 494, 2440 arXiv
  5. The effect of diffusive nuclear burning in neutron star envelopes on cooling in accreting systems, Marcella Wijngaarden et al. 2020, MNRAS, 493, 4936 arXiv


  1. A Bayesian approach to matching thermonuclear X-ray burst observations with models, A. Goodwin et al. 2019, MNRAS, 490, 2228 arXiv
  2. Consistent accretion-induced heating of the neutron-star crust in MXB 1659-29 during two different outbursts, A. S. Parikh et al. 2019, A&A 624, A84 arXiv
  3. Observatory Science with eXTP, in 't Zand et al. 2019, Science China Physics, Mechanics, and Astronomy 62:29506 arXiv


  1. Mixed H/He bursts in SAX J1748.9-2021 during the spectral change of its 2015 outburst, Zhaosheng Li et al. 2018, A&A 620, A114 arXiv
  2. Glitch Rises as a Test for Rapid Superfluid Coupling in Neutron Stars, Vanessa Graber, Andrew Cumming, and Nils Andersson 2018, ApJ 865, 23 arXiv
  3. Deep Crustal Heating by Neutrinos from the Surface of Accreting Neutron Stars, F. Fattoyev et al. 2018, PRC 98, 5801 arXiv
  4. Polycrystalline crusts in accreting neutron stars, M. E. Caplan, A. Cumming, D. Berry, C. Horowitz, R. Mckinven 2018, ApJ, 860, 148 arXiv
  5. The Primordial Entropy of Jupiter, A. Cumming, R. Helled, J. Venturini 2018, MNRAS 477, 4817 arXiv
  6. Flux relaxation after two outbursts of the magnetar SGR 1627-41 and possible hard X-ray emission, Hongjun An, A. Cumming, and V. Kaspi 2018, ApJ 859, 16 arXiv
  7. Rapid neutrino cooling in the neutron star MXB 1659-29, E. Brown, A. Cumming, F. Fattoyev, C. Horowitz, D. Page, S. Reddy 2018, PRL 120, 182701 arXiv [see associated Physics Viewpoint by J. Lattimer]
  8. Predictions of Planet Detections with NIR Radial Velocities in the Up-coming Spirou Legacy Survey, Cloutier, R. et al. 2018, AJ 155, 93 arXiv
  9. The California-Kepler Survey V. Peas in a Pod: Planets in a Kepler Multi-planet System are Similar in Size and Regularly Spaced, L. Weiss et al. 2018, AJ 155, 48 arXiv


  1. Different accretion heating of the neutron star crust during multiple outbursts in MAXI J0556-332, A. S. Parikh et al. 2017, ApJL 851, L28 arXiv
  2. Hot start giant planets form with radiative interiors, D. Berardo, A. Cumming 2017, ApJL 846, L17 arXiv
  3. Flux decay during thermonuclear X-ray bursts analysed using dynamic powerlaw index method, J. Kuuttila et al. 2017, A&A, 604, 77 arXiv
  4. Late time cooling of neutron star transients and the physics of the inner crust, A. Deibel, A. Cumming, E. Brown, S. Reddy 2017, ApJ 839, 95 arXiv
  5. A lower limit on the heat capacity of the neutron star core, A. Cumming, E. Brown, F. Fattoyev, C. Horowitz, D. Page, S. Reddy 2017, PRC 95, 025806 arXiv
  6. The evolution of gas giant entropy during formation by runaway accretion, D. Berardo, A. Cumming, G.-D., Marleau, 2017, ApJ 834, 149 arXiv
  7. Detection of burning ashes from thermonuclear X-ray bursts, J. Kajava, J. Nattila, J. Poutanen, A. Cumming, V. Suleimanov, E. Kuulkers, 2017, MNRAS 464, L6 arXiv


  1. The thermal state of KS 1731-260 after 14.5 years in quiescence, R. Merritt et al. 2016, ApJ 833, L1 arXiv
  2. Urca cooling pairs in the neutron star ocean and their effect on superbursts, A. Deibel, Z. Meisel, H. Schatz, E. F. Brown, A. Cumming, 2016, ApJ 831, 13 arXiv
  3. A survey of chemical separation in accreting neutron stars, R. Mckinven, A. Cumming, Z. Medin, Schatz, H. 2016, ApJ, 823, 117 arXiv
  4. The link between coherent burst oscillations, burst spectral evolution and accretion state in 4U 1728-34, G. Zhang, M. Mendez, M. Zamfir, and A. Cumming 2016, MNRAS, 455, 2004 arXiv


  1. The imprint of carbon combustion on a superburst from the accreting neutron star 4U 1636-536, L. Keek et al. 2015, MNRAS, 454, 3559 arXiv
  2. A strong shallow heat source in the accreting neutron star MAXI J0556-332, A. Diebel, A. Cumming, E. Brown, and D. Page 2015, ApJL, 809, L31 arXiv
  3. Neutron star crust cooling in the Terzan 5 X-ray transient Swift J174805.3-244637, N. Degenaar et al. 2015, MNRAS, 451, 2071 arXiv
  4. Time-dependent compositionally-driven convection in the oceans of accreting neutron stars, Z. Medin and A. Cumming 2015, ApJ, 802, 29 arXiv
  5. Disordered nuclear pasta, magnetic field decay, and crust cooling in neutron stars, C. J. Horowitz, D. K. Berry, C. M. Briggs, M. E. Caplan, A. Cumming, and A.S. Schneider 2015, PRL, 114, 031102 arXiv
  6. Hall drift and the braking indices of young pulsars, Konstantinos N. Gourgouliatos, and A. Cumming 2015, MNRAS, 446, 1121 arXiv


  1. The thermal stability of helium burning on accreting neutron stars, M. Zamfir, A. Cumming, and C. Niquette 2014, MNRAS, 445, 3278 arXiv
  2. Carbon synthesis in steady state hydrogen and helium burning on accreting neutron stars, Jeremy Stevens, E. F. Brown, A. Cumming, R. Cyburt, H. Schatz, 2014, ApJ, 791, 106 arXiv
  3. Probing the crust of the neutron star in EXO 0748-676, Nathalie Degenaar et al. including Z. Medin, 2014, ApJ, 791, 47 arXiv
  4. Physical and orbital properties of beta Pic b, Mickael Bonnefoy et al. including G.-D. Marleau 2014, A&A, 567, L9 arXiv
  5. A Hall attractor in axisymmetric magnetic fields, Kostas Gourgouliatos and Andrew Cumming, 2014, PRL, 112, 171101 arXiv [PRL Editors' Suggestion]
  6. The long-term post-outburst spin down and flux relaxation of the magnetar Swift J1822.3-1606, Paul Scholz, Vicky Kaspi, and Andrew Cumming, 2014, ApJ, 786, 62 arXiv
  7. The cooling rate of neutron stars after thermonuclear shell flashes, in 't Zand, J. J. M., Cumming, A., Triemstra, T. L., Mateijsen, R.A.D.A., Bagnoli, T. 2014, A&A, 562, 16 arXiv
  8. Characterization of the gaseous companion kappa-Andromadae, Bonnefoy et al. 2014, A&A, 562, 111 arXiv
  9. A signature of chemical separation in the cooling curves of transiently accreting neutron stars, Zach Medin and Andrew Cumming 2014, ApJ, 783, L3 arXiv
  10. Shedding light on the eccentricity valley: gap heating and eccentricity excitation of giant planets in protoplanetary disks, David Tsang, Neal J. Turner, and Andrew Cumming, 2014, ApJ, 782, 113 arXiv
  11. Hall effect in neutron star crusts: evolution, endpoint, and dependence on initial conditions, Kostas Gourgouliatos and Andrew Cumming, 2014, MNRAS, 438, 1618 arXiv
  12. Constraining the initial entropy of directly-detected exoplanets, Marleau, G.-D., and Cumming, A., 2014, MNRAS, 437, 1378 arXiv


  1. A Change in the Quiescent X-ray Spectrum of the Neutron Star Low Mass X-ray Binary MXB 1659-29, Cackett, E. M., Brown, E. F., Cumming, A., Degenaar, N., Fridriksson, J. K., Homan, J., Miller, J. M., and Wijnands, R., 2013, ApJ, 774, 131 arXiv
  2. Hall Equilibria with Toroidal and Poloidal Fields: Application to Neutron Stars, K. N. Gourgouliatos, A. Cumming, A. Reisenegger, C. Armaza, M. Lyutikov, J. A. Valdivia, 2013, MNRAS, 434, 2480 arXiv
  3. Spectral and Timing Properties of the Magnetar CXOU J164710.2-455216, An, H., Kaspi, V., Archibald, R., Cumming, A., 2013, ApJ, 763, 82 arXiv


  1. Direct MD simulation of liquid-solid phase equilibria for three-component plasma, Hughto, J., Horowitz, C. J., Schneider, A. S., Medin, Z., Cumming A., and Berry, D. K., 2012, PRE, 86, 066413 arXiv
  2. Post-outburst X-ray Flux and Timing Evolution of Swift J1822.3-1606, Scholz, P., Ng, C.-Y., Livingstone, M. A., Kaspi, V. M., Cumming, A., and Archibald, R., 2012, ApJ, 761, 66 arXiv
  3. Chandra observations of SGR 1627-41 near quiescence, An, H., Kaspi, V., Tomsick, J., Cumming, A., Bodaghee, A., Gotthelf, E., and Rahoui, F. 2012, ApJ, 757, 68 arXiv
  4. Ohmic Dissipation in the Interiors of Hot Jupiters, Huang, X., and Cumming, A., 2012, ApJ, 757, 47 arXiv
  5. A superburst candidate in EXO 1745-248 as a challenge to thermonuclear ignition models, Altamirano, D. et al., 2012, MNRAS, 426, 927 arXiv
  6. Constraints on neutron star mass and radius in GS 1826-24 from sub-Eddington X-ray bursts, Michael Zamfir, A. Cumming, and D. K. Galloway, 2012, ApJ, 749, 69 arXiv
  7. Millihertz quasi-periodic oscillations and thermonuclear bursts from Terzan 5: A showcase of burning regimes, M. Linares, D. Altamirano, D. Chakrabarty, A. Cumming, L. Keek, 2012, ApJ, 748, 82 arXiv


  1. Compositionally-driven convection in the oceans of accreting neutron stars, Zach Medin and A. Cumming, 2011, ApJ, 730, 97 arXiv


  1. Continued Cooling of the Crust in the Neutron Star Low-mass X-ray Binary KS 1731-260, E. Cackett et al., 2010, ApJ, 722, L137 arXiv
  2. What ignites on the neutron star of 4U 0614+091?, E. Kuulkers et al., 2010, A&A, 514, 65 arXiv
  3. Crystallization of classical multicomponent plasmas, Zach Medin and A. Cumming, 2010, PRE, 81, 6107 arXiv
  4. Radiative Hydrodynamic Simulations of HD209458b: Temporal Variability, Ian Dobbs-Dixon, A. Cumming, and D.N.C. Lin, 2010, ApJ, 710, 1395 arXiv
  5. An Integrated Analysis of Radial Velocities in Planet Searches, A. Cumming and Diana Dragomir, 2010, MNRAS, 401, 1029 arXiv


  1. Mapping crustal heating with the cooling lightcurves of quasi-persistent transients, E.F. Brown, and A. Cumming, 2009, ApJ, 698, 1020 arXiv
  2. An Accurate Determination of the Optical Periodic Modulation in the X-Ray Binary SAX J1808.4-3658, Z. Wang, C. Bassa, A. Cumming, and V. Kaspi, 2009, ApJ, 694, 1115 arXiv
  3. Long tails on thermonuclear X-ray bursts from neutron stars: a signature of inward heating?, J.J.M. in 't Zand, L. Keek, A. Cumming, A. Heger, J. Homan, and M. Mendez, 2009, A&A, 497, 469 arXiv
  4. The new intermediate long bursting source XTE J1701-406, M. Falanga, A. Cumming, E. Bozzo, J. Chenevez, 2009, A&A, 496, 333 arXiv


  1. Intermediate Long X-ray Bursts from the Ultra-compact Binary SLX 1737-282, M. Falanga, J. Chenevez, A. Cumming, E. Kuulkers, G. Trap, A. Goldwurm, 2008, A&A 484, 43 arXiv
  2. The Keck Planet Search: Detectability and the Minimum Mass and Orbital Period Distribution of Extrasolar Planets, A. Cumming, R. P. Butler, G. W. Marcy, S. S. Vogt, J. T. Wright, & D. A. Fischer, 2008, PASP 120, 531 arXiv
  3. First Superburst from a Classical Low Mass X-ray Binary Transient, L. Keek, J. J. M. in 't Zand, E. Kuulkers, A. Cumming, E. F. Brown, & M. Suzuki, 2008, A&A, 479, 177 arXiv
  4. Millihertz Oscillation Frequency Drift Predicts the Occurrence of Type I X-ray Bursts, D. Altamirano, M. van der Klis, R. Wijnands, A. Cumming, 2008, ApJ, 673, L35 arXiv


  1. Models of Type I X-ray Bursts from GS 1826-24: a Probe of rp-Process Hydrogen Burning, A. Heger, A. Cumming, D. K. Galloway, & S. E. Woosley, 2007, ApJ, 671, L141 arXiv
  2. Millihertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations from Marginally Stable Nuclear Burning on an Accreting Neutron Star, A. Heger, A. Cumming, & S. Woosley, 2007, ApJ, 665, 1311 arXiv
  3. Discovery of X-ray Burst Triplets in EXO 0748-676, L. Boirin, L. Keek, M. Mendez, A. Cumming, J. in 't Zand, J. Cottam, F. Paerels, W. Lewin, 2007, A&A 465, 559 arXiv


  1. Helium-rich thermonuclear X-ray bursts and the distance to the accretion-powered millisecond pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658, D. K. Galloway & A. Cumming, 2006, ApJ, 652, 559 arXiv
  2. The Superburst Recurrence Time in Luminous Persistent Low Mass X-ray Binaries, L. Keek, J. in 't Zand, & A. Cumming, 2006, A&A, 455, 1031 arXiv
  3. Long Type I X-ray Bursts and Neutron Star Interior Physics, A. Cumming, Jared Macbeth, J. in 't Zand, & D. Page, 2006, ApJ, 646, 429 arXiv


  1. Superbursts from Strange Stars, D. Page, & A. Cumming, 2005, ApJL 635, L157 arXiv
  2. On the Possibility of a Helium White Dwarf Donor in the Presumed Ultracompact Binary 2S 0918-549, J. in 't Zand, A. Cumming, F. Verbunt, M. van der Sluys, & O. Pols, 2005, A&A 441, 675 arXiv
  3. Latitudinal Shear Instabilities During Type I X-ray Bursts, A. Cumming, 2005, ApJ 630, 441 arXiv


  1. Radial Velocity Detectability of Low Mass Extrasolar Planets in Close Orbits, Raman Narayan, A. Cumming, & D.N.C. Lin, 2004, ApJ 620, 1002 arXiv
  2. Detectability of Extrasolar Planets in Radial Velocity Surveys, Cumming, A., 2004, MNRAS 354, 1165 arXiv
  3. Superbursts at Near-Eddington Mass Accretion Rates, in 't Zand, J.J.M., Cornelisse, R., & Cumming, A., 2004, A&A 426, 257 arXiv
  4. Magnetic Field Evolution in Neutron Star Crusts due to the Hall Effect and Ohmic Decay, Cumming, A., Arras, P., & Zweibel, E.G., 2004, ApJ 609, 999 arXiv
  5. Magnetars: Time Evolution, Superfluid Properties, and Mechanism of Magnetic Field Decay, Arras, P., Cumming, A., & Thompson, C., 2004, ApJ 608, L49 arXiv
  6. The Thermal Evolution following a Superburst on an Accreting Neutron Star, A. Cumming and Jared Macbeth, 2004, ApJ, 603, L37 arXiv


  1. Models for Type I X-ray Bursts with Improved Nuclear Physics, Woosley, S. E., Heger, A., Cumming, A., Hoffman, R. D., Pruet, J., Rauscher, T., Schatz, H., Brown, B. A., & Wiescher, M., 2003, ApJS 151, 75 arXiv
  2. Periodic Thermonuclear X-ray Bursts from GS 1826-24 and the Fuel Composition as a Function of Accretion Rate, Galloway, D. K., Cumming, A., Kuulkers, E., Bildsten, L., Chakrabarty, D., & Rothschild, R. E., 2003, ApJ 601, 466 arXiv
  3. Models of Type I X-ray bursts from 4U 1820-30, A. Cumming, 2003, ApJ 595, 1077 arXiv
  4. Photodisintegration-triggered Nuclear Energy Release in Superbursts, Hendrik Schatz, Lars Bildsten, and Andrew Cumming, 2003, ApJ 583, L87


  1. Magnetic Field Evolution in Accreting White Dwarfs, Andrew Cumming, 2002, MNRAS 333, 589 arXiv
  2. Hydrostatic Expansion and Spin Changes During Type I X-Ray Bursts, Andrew Cumming, Sharon M. Morsink, Lars Bildsten, John L. Friedman, Daniel E. Holz, 2002, ApJ 564, 343 arXiv


  1. Carbon Flashes in the Heavy Element Ocean on Accreting Neutron Stars, Andrew Cumming and Lars Bildsten, 2001, ApJ 559, L127 arXiv
  2. Magnetic Screening in Accreting Neutron Stars, Andrew Cumming, Ellen Zweibel and Lars Bildsten, 2001, ApJ 557, 958 arXiv
  3. The Endpoint of the rp Process on Accreting Neutron Stars, H. Schatz, A. Aprahamian, V. Barnard, L. Bildsten, A. Cumming, M. Ouellette, T. Rauscher, F.-K. Thielemann, and M. Wiescher, 2001, PRL, 86, 3471 arXiv


  1. Rotational Evolution During Type I X-Ray Bursts, Andrew Cumming and Lars Bildsten, 2000, ApJ 544, 453 arXiv


  1. The Lick Planet Search: Detectability and Mass Thresholds, Andrew Cumming, Geoffrey W. Marcy and R. Paul Butler, 1999, ApJ 526, 890 arXiv
  2. The rp Process Ashes from Stable Nuclear Burning on an Accreting Neutron Star, Lars Bildsten, Andrew Cumming and Michael Wiescher, 1999, ApJ 524, 1014 arXiv


  1. Hydrogen Electron Capture in Accreting Neutron Stars and the Resulting g-Mode Oscillation Spectrum, Lars Bildsten and Andrew Cumming, 1998, ApJ 506, 842 arXiv


  1. 3-He Transport in the Sun and the Solar Neutrino Problem, Andrew Cumming and W.C. Haxton 1996, PRL 77, 4286 arXiv
Conference proceedings and other articles
  1. Probing dense matter physics with transiently-accreting neutron stars: the case of source MXB 1659-29, Melissa Mendes, Farrukh Fattoyev, Andrew Cumming and Charles Gale 2021, Proceedings of the XVI Marcel Grossmann meeting arXiv
  2. Near-InfraRed Planet Searcher to Join HARPS on the ESO 3.6-metre Telescope, F. Bouchy et al. 2017, ESO Messenger No. 169 (Sep 2017) ADS
  3. The LOFT mission concept: an update, M. Feroci et al. 2016, Proceedings of SPIE, 9905, 99051R ADS
  4. Hall Effect in Neutron Star Crusts, K. N. Gourgouliatos and A. Cumming 2014, Magnetic Fields throughout Stellar Evolution, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 302, pp. 415-418 ADS
  5. The Large Observatory for x-ray timing, M. Feroci et al. 2014, Proceedings of SPIE, 9144, 91442T ADS
  6. Hall Equilibria: Solutions with Toroidal and Poloidal Magnetic Fields in Neutron Star Crusts, K. N. Gourgouliatos, A. Cumming, M. Lyutikov, A. Reisenegger, 2013, Proceedings of the conference "Magnetic Fields in the Universe IV" arXiv
  7. LOFT: the Large Observatory for X-ray Timing, Feroci, M. et al., 2012, Proceedings of SPIE, 8443, Paper No. 8443-85 arXiv
  8. Statistical Distribution of Exoplanets, A. Cumming, 2010, chapter in "Exoplanets", ed. Sara Seager, University of Arizona Press Space Science Series PDF or online version
  9. Magnetic Field Evolution in Accreting Millisecond Pulsars, Cumming, A., 2008, in the proceedings of the workshop "A Decade of Accreting Millisecond Pulsars" (American Institute of Physics) ADS
  10. 40 Years of Pulsars, eds. C. Bassa, Z. Wang, A. Cumming, V. Kaspi, 2008, AIP conference proceedings, Astronomy and Astrophysics Vol. 983 (Springer)
  11. The Importance of the rp-Process in Thermonuclear Burning on Accreting Neutron Stars, Cumming, A. 2006, in the proceedings of the 3rd Argonne/MSU/INT/JINA RIA Theory Workshop PDF
  12. What can we learn from long term monitoring of X-ray bursters?, Cumming, A. (2006), in the proceedings of "The Transient Milky Way: a Perspective for MIRAX", eds. F. D'Amico, J. Braga, R. Rothschild arXiv
  13. Superbursts: A New Probe of the rp-Process, Cumming, A., 2005, in the proceedings of Nuclei in the Cosmos VIII, Nucl. Phys. A, 758, 439 ADS
  14. Magnetic Field Evolution During Neutron Star Recycling, Cumming, A., 2004, in the proceedings of the Aspen Center for Physics Conference on “Binary Radio Pulsars”, eds. F. Rasio and I. Stairs arXiv
  15. Thermonuclear Burst Physics with RXTE, D. K. Galloway, D. Chakrabarty, A. Cumming, E. Kuulkers, L. Bildsten, R. Rothschild, 2004, in the proceedings of the "X-ray Timing 2003: Rossi and Beyond" Meeting, Cambridge MA, November 2003 arXiv
  16. Nuclear physics in normal X-ray bursts and superbursts, Hendrik Schatz, Lars Bildsten, Andrew Cumming, Michelle Ouellette, 2003, Nucl. Phys. A, 718, 247 ADS
  17. Thermonuclear X-ray Bursts: Theory vs. Observations, Andrew Cumming, 2003, in the proceedings of the 2nd BeppoSAX Meeting: “The Restless High-Energy Universe” (Amsterdam, May 5-8, 2003), E.P.J. van den Heuvel, J.J.M. in 't Zand, and R.A.M.J. Wijers (Eds), Nucl. Phys. B Proc. Supp., 132, 435 arXiv
  18. Magnetic Field Evolution in Accreting White Dwarfs, Andrew Cumming, 2003, in "Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables", IAU Col. 190, Cape Town, Eds. M. Cropper & S. Vrielmann
  19. Magnetic Field Evolution in Neutron Stars, Andrew Cumming, 2002, proceedings of the "Radio Pulsars" Conference, Chania, Crete, August 2002 (ASP Conference Series)
  20. Angular Momentum Transport During Type I X-Ray Bursts, Andrew Cumming (2002), proceedings of the 3D Stellar Structure Conference, Livermore, July 2002
  21. Investigations of Pointwise Ignition of Helium Deflagrations on Neutron Stars, Zingale, M. et al. (2002), proceedings of the 3D Stellar Structure Conference, Livermore, July 2002
  22. The Statistics of Extrasolar Planets: Results from the Keck Survey, Andrew Cumming, Geoffrey W. Marcy, R. Paul Butler, Steven S. Vogt, 2002, Scientific Frontiers in Research on Extrasolar Planets arXiv
  23. Magnetic Field Evolution in Accreting White Dwarfs, Andrew Cumming, 2002, Proceedings of the 13th European Workshop on White Dwarfs arXiv
  24. Proton Captures in the Atmosphere of Accreting Neutron Stars, Schatz, H., Bildsten, L., Cumming, A., & Wiescher, M., 2000, in Origin of Elements in the Solar System, Implications of Post-1957 Observations, Proceedings of the International Symposium, ed. O. Manuel (Boston/Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers), p.153
  25. Oceanography of Accreting Neutron Stars: Non-Radial Oscillations and Periodic X-Ray Variability, L. Bildsten, A. Cumming, G. Ushomirsky, and C. Cutler, 1998, A Half Century of Stellar Pulsation Interpretations, ed. P.A. Bradley and J.A. Guzik (San Francisco: PASP), p. 437 arXiv