PHYS 632 Seminar in Astrophysics 1 - Advanced Stellar Astrophysics

Fall term 2022


This will be a reading course in Advanced Stellar Astrophysics, with weekly readings covering the basic physics that goes into stellar models and modern applications in astronomy, and weekly numerical exercises using the MESA stellar evolution code.


Prof. Andrew Cumming, Rutherford Physics Building 310, email


You should have taken PHYS 521 Astrophysics or an equivalent upper-level undergraduate course in astrophysics.

Before the first meeting of the course, you should have installed MESA following the instructions here, and ran the example of single star evolution described here.

Meeting times

Wednesday and Friday 9-10.30am, MSI conference room. First meeting will be on Wednesday Sep 14. See below for the detailed schedule.

Preliminary list of topics

How stellar models are constructed and evolved

Physics input in stellar models:

Asteroseismology (stability and pulsations)

Stellar evolution:


We will divide into groups of two. Each week, one group will present a short summary of the highlights/important points from the reading, covering both the basic physics ideas and current open issues/questions in the field (Wednesday class). Another group will devise a numerical exercise using MESA for the rest of the class to try out (Friday).

Grading scheme


Week Dates (Wed,Fri) Topic Reading
1 Sep 14,16 Introduction MESA installation and example
Exercise from the CRAQ summer school 2019 (pgstar inlist )
2 Sep 21, 23 Equation of state HKT Chapter 3, MESA I 4.2, II A.2, V A.1, VI 4
3 Sep 28, 30 Opacities HKT eq. (4.22), sections 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, MESA I 4.3, MESA II A.3, MESA VI 8
4 Oct 5, 7 Nuclear reactions HKT 6.2-6.7, MESA I 4.4,4.5, MESA II A.4, MESA III 5, MESA VI 10
5 Oct 12, 14 Reading break  
6 Oct 19, 21 Convection KWW 7, 30.4.2, MESA I 5.1,5.2, MESA II 4, 7.2, B.7, MESA IV 2, MESA V 5, MESA VI 3, 7.2
7 Oct 19, 21 Atmospheres and winds Atmospheres: MESA I 5.3; MESA II A.5; MESA VI 6; Winds: MESA I 6.6; Notes on Grey atmosphere, Eddington approx (see section 1.5.2)
8 Oct 26, Nov 2 Asteroseismology  
9 Nov 9, 11 Rotation  
10 Nov 16, 18 Stellar collapse and compact objects  
11 Nov 23, 25 Binaries  
12 Nov 30, Dec 2 Mini project (MESA olympics) Presentations on Dec 2.

References: HKT is Hansen, Kawaler & Trimble “Stellar Interiors”; KWW is Kippenhahn, Wiegert & Weiss “Stellar Structure and Evolution”; MESA I, MESA II etc. refers to the MESA instrument papers

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