Alakabha Datta University of Toronto T-Violation in B Decays (Alakabha Datta, David London) We study T-violation in B decays to two vector mesons, B-> VV.If CPT is conserved then violation of T implies the violation of CP and vice versa. However, T- violation is proportional to the cosine of the strong phase while direct CP violation is proportional to the sine of the strong phase. Hence T-violation and CP- violation are complementary to each other and the simultaneous measurement of both asymmetries is very useful to test the standard model or to look for new physics. We find several B->VV decays which have no T-violation in the standard model. Hence a measurement of non-zero T-violation in these decays would be a clear signal of new physics. We discuss models of new physics that can lead to large T-violation in these modes.