Pierre-Hugues Beauchemin McGill University Search for graviscalar at LHC (Pierre-Hugues Beauchemin, Cliff Burgess, Georges Azuelos) Recent developments (ADD scenario of large extra-dimensions) have shown that the scale of gravitational physics could be as low as the weak scale, and therefore be accessible to upcoming experiments. So far, as we know now, there is only one theory which makes sense of gravity at the gravitational scale and this is string theory. Better yet, string theory can be weakly coupled at the string scale and so allows predictions to be made. One of these predictions is that there should be an enormous number of degrees of freedom running around the extra dimensions, among which there are scalars. The discovery of a graviscalar particle would then give stronger support for a string theory. The purpose of this talk is to look at the most general theoretical assumptions required for the production of a gravitational scalar particle and at the condition that are imposed on its parameters in order to be testable at LHC.