Steven Robertson SLAC A search for B- to K- nu nubar We present a search for the rare flavour-changing neutral-current decay B- to K- nu nubar a sample of (86.9 +/- 1.0) X 10^6 Upsilon(4S) to B Bbar events collected by the BaBar experiment at the SLAC B-factory. Signal candidate events are selected by fully reconstructing a B+ to D0 X+ decay, where X+ represents a combination of up to three charged pions or kaons and up to two pi0 candidates. The charged tracks and calorimeter clusters not used in the B+ reconstruction are required to be compatible with a B- to K- nu nubar decay. We observe a total of three signal candidate events with an expected background of 2.7 +/-0.8, resulting in a preliminary limit of B(B- to K- nu nubar) < 1.05 X 10^{-4} at the 90% confidence level. This search is combined with the results of a previous and statistically independent preliminary BaBar search for B- to K- nu nubar to give a limit of B(B- to K- nu nubar) < 7.0 X 10^{-5} at the 90% confidence level.