Toshio Numao TRIUMF Laboratory Status of rare kaon decay experiments at BNL In the decays $K \to \pi \nu \bar\nu$, the dominant second-order loop-diagrams with a top quark make these flavor-changing neutral current modes very sensitive to $V_{td}$. The E787 group at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) recently reported two events in the $K^+$ mode at a branching ratio of $1.57^{+1.75}_{-0.82} \times 10^{-10}$, which is consistent with a fit-based prediction of $(0.82 \pm 0.32) \times 10^{-10}$. The goal of the subsequent experiment E949 is to improve the event statistics by a factor of five (a 15 \% measurement of $|V_{td}|$). The KOPIO experiment at BNL plans to reach a sensitivity of $10^{-13}$ or to measure about 50 events from the CP-violating $K_L \rightarrow \pi^0 \nu \overline{\nu}$ decay, suppressing backgrounds by hermetic photon detection and complete reconstruction of decay kinematics using a low-energy micro-bunched $K^0_L$ beam to allow determination of the incident kaon momentum. The status of both kaon decay experiments will be presented.