Determination of |Vub| from the measurement of B to X l nu Branching Fractions and Form Factors at BaBar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- David Côté, Université de Montréal, S. Brunet (UdeM), J.C. Dingfelder (SLAC), M. Simard (UdeM), B.F.Viaud (UdeM) and P. Taras (UdeM) BaBar's Runs 1-4 data sample will contain approximately 480 million B decays and several tens of thousands of each of the lower mass exclusive B to X l nu decays. The combination of this unprecedented large data set with an improved version of the "neutrino reconstruction" technique will allow a measurement of the B to X l nu branching fractions and form factors in a model independent way. This is achieved by maximizing the signal extraction efficiency at the cost of accepting more of the well-understood B to Xc l nu and continuum backgrounds. The cross-feeds arising from the various Xu l nu decays will be taken into account by a simultaneous fit of all the lower mass exclusive B to Xu l nu branching fractions and form factors. These will provide valuable information about QCD and semileptonic b to u l nu decays. By excluding or validating specific form factor models, the theoretical uncertainty in determining |Vub| from exclusive B to Xu l nu decays will be greatly reduced and should be competitive with the most precise measurements to date. This would be specially true in the framework of improvements in unquenched lattice QCD. We will present an overview of this complex but very promising analysis that is well underway as well as some preliminary results.