Determination of |Vub| in the BaBar experiment using the lepton invariant mass squared -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D. Fortin, University of Victoria A measurement of the CKM matrix element |Vub| is performed using charmless semileptonic B decays from a sample of 88 million events recorded with the BaBar detector. Decays are primarily identified by the presence of a high momentum electron and a neutrino inferred from the missing momentum. Further selection requirements are made on the electron energy and the invariant mass squared of the neutrino-electron pair to suppress the dominant background from semileptonic B decays to charm. Signal efficiency and background estimates derived from Monte Carlo simulations are adjusted using a control sample in the data and then used to measure a partial branching fraction for B --> Xu en. Combining this measurement with the B lifetime and using theoretical input allows for the determination of the CKM matrix element |Vub|.