MO-P7-2 14:45
BLAIR JAMIESON, University of
British Columbia
TWIST's First Precision
Measurement Of The Muon Decay Asymmetry Parameter *
Muon decay, a purely leptonic decay, is a relatively simple
interaction to study when looking for physics not explained by the standard
theory of electroweak interactions. In
particular, the muon decay asymmetry parameter is directly related to the
degree to which weak interactions violate parity, or mirror symmetry. The TRIUMF Weak Interaction Symmetry Test
(TWIST) spectrometer was used to measure the energy and angle spectrum of decay
positrons from muon decay. By measuring
a large part of the muon decay spectrum, TWIST can simultaneously determine
three of the muon decay parameters with a high degree of accuracy. This talk presents the first direct TWIST
measurement of the product of muon decay asymmetry parameter x with the muon polarization
* This work is being supported by NSERC and DOE
* This work is
being supported by NSERC and DOE