TU-P7-1 15:30
ROGER W. MOORE, University of
Recent Results From The D0 Experiment *
The D0 Experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron studies
proton-antiproton collisions at a 1.96 TeV.
During the recently concluded Run IIa data taking period we accumulated
1.2 fb -1 of data, 10 times more data than the
previous Run I period. The analysis of
this new dataset is the basis for D0's rich and diverse physics programme at
the energy frontier. Highlights of the
programme include studies of the top quark, direct searches for physics beyond
the Standard Model, B physics, electroweak precision measurements and QCD. An overview of the current physics programme
and detector status will be presented, focusing on the Canadian contributions.
* This work is being supported by NSERC
* This work is
being supported by NSERC