Here are titles of some of the most recently published papers
by members of the McGill Pulsar Group:
"Fermi Large Area Telescope Observations of the Vela Pulsar"
Abdo et al. [Fermi/LAT Collaboration] 2009, ApJ, 696, 1084
"An Accurate Determination of the Optical Periodic Modulation in the X-Ray Binary SAX J1808.4-3658"
Wang, Z., Bassa, C., Cumming, A., Kaspi, V. M. 2009, ApJ, 694, 1115
"Optical pulsations from the anomalous X-ray pulsar 1E1048.1-5937"
Dhillon, V. S., Marsh, T. R., Littlefair, S. P., Copperwheat, C. M., Kerry, P., Dib, R., Durant, M., Kaspi, V. M., Mignani, R. P., Shearer, A. 2009, MNRAS, 394, 112
"Pulsar Timing for the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope"
Smith, D. A., Guillemot, L., Camilo, F., Cognard, I., Dumora, D., Espinoza, C., Freire, P. C. C., Gotthelf, E. V., Harding, A. K., Hobbs, G. B., Johnston, S., Kaspi, V. M., Kramer, M., Livingstone, M. A., et al. 2008, A&A, 492, 923
"No Detectable Radio Emission from the Magnetar-Like Pulsar in Kes 75".
Archibald, A. M., Kaspi, V. M., Livingstone, M. A., McLaughlin, M. A. 2008, 688, 550
"The Long-term Radiative Evolution of Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar 1E 2259+586 After its 2002 Outburst".
Zhu, W., Kaspi, V. M., Dib, R., Woods, P. M., Gavriil, F. P., Archibald, A. M. 2008, ApJ, 686, 520
"Detailed high-energy characteristics of AXP 4U 0142+61. Multi-year observations with INTEGRAL, RXTE, XMM-Newton, and ASCA"
den Hartog, P. R., Kuiper, L., Hermsen, W., Kaspi, V. M., Dib, R., Knodlseder, J., Gavriil, F. P. 2008, A&A, 489, 245
"Relativistic Spin Precession in the Double Pulsar"
Breton, R. P., Kaspi, V. M., Kramer, M., McLaughlin, M. A., Lyutikov, M., Ransom, S. M., Stairs, I. H., Ferdman, R. D., Camilo, F., Possenti, A. 2008, Science, 321, 104
"PSR J1856+0245: Arecibo Discovery of a Young, Energetic Pulsar Coincident with the TeV gamma-Ray Source HESS J1857+026"
Hessels, J. W. T., Nice, D. J., Gaensler, B. M., Kaspi, V. M., Lorimer, D. R., Champion, D. J., Lyne, A. G., Kramer, M., Cordes, J. M., Freire, P. C. C., et al. 2008, ApJ, 682, L41
"An Eccentric Binary Millisecond Pulsar in the Galactic Plane"
Champion, D. J., Ransom, S. M., Lazarus, P., Camilo, F., Bassa, C., Kaspi, V. M., Nice, D. J., Freire, P. C. C., Stairs, I. H., van Leeuwen, J., et al. 2008, Science, 320, 1309
"Optical/Infrared Observations of the Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar 1E 1048.1-5937 During Its 2007 X-Ray Flare"
Wang, Z., Bassa, C., Kaspi, V. M., Bryant, J. J., Morrell, N. 2008, ApJ, 679, 1443
"X-Ray and Near-IR Variability of the Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar 1E 1048.1-5937: From Quiescence Back to Activity"
Tam, C. R., Gavriil, F. P., Dib, Rim, Kaspi, V. M., Woods, P. M., Bassa, C., 2008, ApJ, 677, 503
"Magnetar-Like Emission from the Young Pulsar in Kes 75"
Gavriil, F. P., Gonzalez, M. E., Gotthelf, E. V., Kaspi, V. M., Livingstone, M. A., Woods, P. M. 2008, Science, 319, 1802
"Search for Mid-Infrared Flux Variations from the Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar 4U 0142+61"
Wang, Z., Kaspi, V. M. 2008, 675, 695
"Glitches in Anomalous X-Ray Pulsars"
Dib, R., Kaspi, V. M., Gavriil, F. P. 2008, 673, 1044
To see a more complete listing of our refereed publications broken
down by year, follow the links below to the NASA Abstract Data
System (ADS).