PSR J1614-2238 is just one of the many new pulsars discovered as part of a McGill survey. This particular pulse profile (J. Hessels) is from a 3.15 millisecond binary found during a joint McGill University/Haverford College survey of unidentified EGRET source error boxes. The multibeam receiver on the Parkes Telescope was instrumental to our targeted search of 56 mid Galactic latitude regions. McGill participants in this project included Mallory Roberts, Scott Ransom, Jason Hessels, Margaret Livingstone, Cindy Tam, and Victoria Kaspi. Read more about the motivation behind and results of the EGRET survey in the following conference proceedings:
  • Pulsar Wind Nebulae in EGRET Error Boxes. M. S. E. Roberts, C. L. Brogan, B. M. Gaensler, J. W. T. Hessels, C.-Y. Ng & R. W. Romani 2004, to appear in the proceedings of "The Multiwavelength Approach to Unidentified Sources", ed. G. Romero & K.S. Cheng (astro-ph/0409104)
  • Three New Binary Pulsars Discovered With Parkes. J. Hessels, S. Ransom, M. Roberts, V. Kaspi, M. Livingstone, C. Tam & F. Crawford 2004, to appear in Binary Radio Pulsars, proceedings of an Aspen Winter Conference, eds. F. Rasio, I. Stairs (astro-ph/0404167)
  • Recent Searches for Pulsars in Unidentified EGRET Error Boxes. M. S. E. Roberts 2004, to appear in the proceedings of the workshop X-ray and Gamma-ray Astrophysics of Galactic Sources, held in Frascati (Rome) Italy on 11-13 June, 2003 (astro-ph/0401120)
  • New Pulsars Coincident With Unidentified Gamma-Ray Sources. M. S. E. Roberts, S. M. Ransom, J. Hessels, M. Livingstone, C. Tam, V. Kaspi & F. Crawford 2004, to appear in the Proceedings of Young Neutron Stars and their Environment, International Astronomical Union. Symposium no. 218, held 14-17 July, 2003 in Sydney, Australia (astro-ph/0401119)