My name is Sean Griffin and this is my homepage. I am a MSc. student, studying under Prof. David Hanna and a member of the VERITAS collaboration. Email: griffins [at] physics [dot] mcgill [dot] ca .

My research is based upon using a VERITAS telescope and a custom built photometer to look for ultra-fast (microsecond timescale) optical transients, a domain that is not being looked at by very many people. For CASCA 2010, I produced this poster, which is a good read to give you an idea as to what I'm doing and why.

In August '09 I measured the cosmic muon asymmetry via counting muons deflected by the Earth's magnetic field and produced a poster on it which can be found here. The measured asymmetry at this latitude was found to be about 5%.

My blog (Graviton Butterfly):

I am an amateur astronomer and own a 130mm f/6.9 Newtonian telescope on an equitorial mount. Recently, I have acquired a 130mm f/9 (if memory serves) Newtonian on a computerized Alt-Az mount, which is fantastic for observing in areas with bad light pollution.

I also design and build model rockets.

I am a craft brewer. I can produce (at full capacity) about 20 Imperial gallons a month. This is about 20 cases of 24 bottles-- nanobrewery, anyone?