Yan Gobeil
Hello to you, visitor of my personal webpage. You will find here all the information that you need and possibly want to know about my scientific career. I also mention some personal interests for those of you who want to learn more about me. I hope you will enjoy navigating through this website as much as I enjoyed creating it! There are a couple of ressources online about me so if you are interested you can look at the list.
Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Yan and I am a Canadian from the province of Quebec, where I was born. I currently live in the big city of Montreal and I am studying at McGill University. I started my PhD in theoretical physics in September 2016, during which I continue with Alex Maloney the work that I have been doing during my Master's.
I did my Master's also at McGill from 2014 to 2016 and I worked under the supervision of Alex Maloney and Robert Brandenberger. The title of my thesis is Constraints on the spectrum of operators in two-dimensional Conformal Field Theories
Before that I did my undergraduate studies at Université de Montreal in mathematics and physics from 2011 to 2014. I spent two great summers during that time doing research on topological defects with Richard MacKenzie and Manu Paranjape.
The first step in my study of science was a pre-university degree from CEGEP de Terrebonne in natural sciences, where I learned the basics of physics, maths, chemistry and biology along with other general stuff. I studied there from 2009 to 2011.
Since the year 2015-2016, I am one of the organizers of the high energy theory graduate students seminars. This is a weekly meeting with most of the graduate students in the high energy group and someone different gives a talk about an interesting subject. The goal is to gain experience in giving talks and learn things from people doing different research than us. You can find more information about this year's grad seminars (including the schedule) here. The schedule from the previous years can be found here.
I helped organizing many reading courses and this webpage is a good place to put all the info so here are the details for some (not all) of them:
- schedule and references for 2d CFT (summer 2018)
- differential geometry (2016-2017)
- quantum gravity and black holes (winter 2016)
Email: yan dot gobeil at mail dot mcgill dot ca.
Office: Room 306 in the Ernest Rutherford Physics building at McGill
(Last update on August 21st, 2018)