Recent Publications
- ``A 151Eu Mössbauer Investigation of Magnetic Ordering
in the Topological Material Candidate EuZnBi2'',
D.H. Ryan,
J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 38 (2025) 5(5)
(559k pdf file)
- ``The Arpu Kuilpu meteorite: In-depth characterization of an H5 chondrite
delivered from a Jupiter Family Comet orbit'',
S.L. Anderson, G.K. Benedix, B.G. Godel, R.M.L. Alosius, D. Krietsch, H. Busemann, C. Maden,
J.M. Friedrich, L.R. McMonigal, K.C. Welten, M.W. Caffee, R.J. Macke, J.M. Cadogan, D.H. Ryan,
F. Jourdan, C. Mayers, M. Laubenstein, R.C. Greenwood, M.P. Roberts, H.A.R. Devillepoix,
E.K. Sansom, M.C. Towner, M. Cupák, P.A. Bland, L.V. Forman,
J.H. Fairweather, A.F. Rogers, and N.E. Timms,
Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 59 (2024) 3087-3110.
(2538k pdf file)
- ``The magnetic structure and spin-reorientation of ErGa'',
J.M. Cadogan, D.H. Ryan, R.A. Susilo, S. Muñoz Pérez,
R. Cobas, N.R. Lee-Hone, B.R. Hansen and M. Avdeev
Acta. Cryst.B80 (2024) 443-450.
(2833k pdf file)
- ``Transition from ferromagnetic to noncollinear to paramagnetic state
with increasing
Ru concentration in FeRu films'',
Juliana Lisik, Manuel Rojas, Spencer Myrtle, Dominic H. Ryan, René Hübner,
Pavlo Omelchenko,
Claas Abert, Amil Ducevic, Dieter Suess,
Ivan Soldatov, Rudolf Schaefer, Johannes Seyd,
Manfred Albrecht, and Erol Girt,
Phys. Rev. B110 (2024) 104429(14).
(4549k pdf file)
- ``Incommensurate magnetic ordering and a possible structural transition in
D.H. Ryan, Sergey L. Bud'ko, and Paul C. Canfield,
Phys. Rev. Mater. 8 (2024) 094409(10).
(2215k pdf file)
- ``Single crystal growth and characterization of antiferromagnetically
ordering EuIn2'',
Brinda Kuthanazhi, Simon X.M. Riberolles, D.H. Ryan, P.J. Ryan, J.-W. Kim,
Lin-Lin Wang, Robert J. McQueeney, Benjamin G. Ueland, and Paul C. Canfield,
Phys. Rev. B109 (2024) 214401(11). (Editors' Suggestion)
(2238k pdf file)
- ``Incommensurate magnetic cycloidal order in non-centrosymmetric
A. Martinelli, D.H. Ryan, G. Sereni, C. Ritter, I. Čurlík, and M. Giovannini,
Phys. Rev. B109 (2024) 104424(7).
(2571k pdf file)
- ``Divalent doping of the EuPd3S4 mixed valence system'',
Emma A. Pappas and D.H. Ryan,
J. Solid State Chem. 332 (2024) 124591(6).
(740k pdf file)
- ``151Eu Mössbauer study of magnetic ordering in flux-grown
ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic forms of EuCd2As2'',
D. H. Ryan, Na Hyan Jo, Brinda Kuthanazhi, Sergey L. Bud'ko, and Paul C. Canfield,
AIP Advances 14 (2024) 025003(5).
(3996k pdf file)
- ``Magnetic ordering in Eu2In and Eu2Sn'',
C. Ritter, D.H. Ryan, A. Provino, G. Lamura, Y. Mudryk, R.K. Chouhan,
P. Singh, D.D. Johnson, V.K. Pecharsky, and P. Manfrinetti,
J. Alloys and Compounds 980 (2024), 173573(10).
(6317k pdf file)
- ``Complex magnetic ordering in EuAl4 - A 151Eu Mössbauer study'',
D.H. Ryan, Brinda Kuthanazhi, Na Hyan Jo, and Paul C. Canfield,
AIP Advances 14 (2024) 015239(4).
(4019k pdf file)
- ``Strong enhancement of magnetic ordering temperature
and structural/valence transitions in EuPd3S4 under high pressure'',
S. Huyan, D.H. Ryan, T. Slade, B. Lavina, G. Jose, H. Wang, J.M. Wilde,
R.A. Ribeiro, J. Zhao, W. Xie, W. Bi, E.E. Alp, S.L. Bud'ko, P.C. Canfield,
PNAS 120 (2023) e2310779120.
(3260k pdf file)
- ``Electrical Effects of Ionic Deficient Cubic Ferrite Spinels:
A Case Study on MgFe2O4'',
Farshad Farshidfar, Hannah Oreskovic, Dominic H. Ryan, and Khashayar Ghandi,
Adv. Physics Res. 3 (2024), 2300057(10).
(3102k pdf file)
- ``Stabilizing Au2+ in a mixed-valence 3D halide perovskite'',
Kurt P. Lindquist, Armin Eghdami, Alexander J. Heyer, Jiajia Wen, Alexander Smith,
Edward I. Solomon, Young S. Lee, Jeffrey B. Neaton, Dominic H. Ryan, and Hemamala I. Karunadasa,
Nature Chemistry, 15 (2023), 1780-86
(Journal Link)
- ``A creative method to tune Fe-O interaction in ferrites.'',
Farshad Farshidfar, Arash Fattahi, Ralf Brüning, D.H. Ryan, Khashayar Ghandi,
Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 12 (2023) 1612-24.
(1199k pdf file)
- ``Magnetic phase separation in the EuPdSn2 ground state'',
Alberto Martinelli, Dominic Ryan, Julian Sereni, Clemens Ritter, Andreas Leineweber,
Ivan Čurlík, Riccardo Freccero and Mauro Giovannini,
J. Mater. Chem. C, 11 (2023) 7641-53.
(3160k pdf file)
- ``Bonding and Suppression of a Magnetic Phase Transition in EuMn2P2'',
Tanya Berry, Nicodemos Varnava, Dominic H. Ryan, Veronica J. Stewart, Riho Rasta, Ivo Heinmaa,
Nitesh Kumar, Walter Schnelle, Rishi Bhandia, Christopher M. Pasco, N. P. Armitage, Raivo Stern,
Claudia Felser, David Vanderbilt, and Tyrel M. McQueen,
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 145 (2023) 4527-33.
(3583k pdf file)
- ``Constituent contribution to the magnetocrystalline anisotropy in
Xubo Liu, D.H. Ryan and Z. Altounian,
AIP Advances 13 (2023) 025309(5).
(3697k pdf file)
- ``Valence and Magnetism in EuPd3S4 and
D.H. Ryan, Sergey L. Bud'ko, Brinda Kuthanazhi, and Paul C. Canfield,
Phys. Rev. B107 (2023) 014402(15). (Editors' Suggestion)
(3581k pdf file)
- `` Effects of Physical and Chemical Pressure on Charge Density Wave
Transitions in LaAg1-xAuxSb2 Single Crystals'',
Li Xiang, D.H. Ryan, P.C. Canfield and S.L. Bud'ko,
Crystals 12 (2022) 1693(14).
(954k pdf file)
- ``Canted antiferromagnetic phases in the candidate layered Weyl
material EuMnSb2'',
J.M. Wilde, S.X.M. Riberolles, Atreyee Das, Y. Liu, T.W. Heitmann, X. Wang,
W.E. Straszheim,
S.L. Bud'ko, P.C. Canfield, A. Kreyssig, R.J. McQueeney,
D.H. Ryan, and B.G. Ueland,
Phys. Rev. B106 (2022) 024420(16).
(2889k pdf file)
- ``Magnetic phase diagram of the solid solution
LaMn2(Ge1-xSix)2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1)
unraveled by powder neutron diffraction'',
Stefanie Siebeneichler, Alexander Ovchinnikov, Brianna Bosch-Santos,
Gabriel A. Cabrera-Pasca, Roxana Flacau,
Qingzhen Huang, Artur W. Carbonari, Dominic Ryan
and Anja-Verena Mudring,
Scientific Reports 12 (2022) 9248(16).
(6295k pdf file)
- ``A note on Mössbauer analysis of white oak surfaces colored
with iron salt aqueous solutions'',
Roberta Dagher, Tatjana Stevanovic, Dominic H. Ryan and Véronic Landry,
Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology 42 (2022) 83-90.
(1288k pdf file)
- ``Small moment antiferromagnetic ordering in single crystalline La2Ni7'',
R.A. Ribeiro, S.L. Bud'ko, L. Xiang, D.H. Ryan, P.C. Canfield,
Phys. Rev. B105 (2022) 014412(13).
(3518k pdf file)
- ``Extraordinarily strong magneto-responsiveness in phase-separated LaFe2Si'',
Arjun K. Pathak, Yaroslav Mudryk, Nikolai A. Zarkevich, Dominic H. Ryan, Duane D. Johnson,
and Vitalij K. Pecharsky,
Acta Materialia 215 (2021) 117083(11).
(Journal link)
- ``Magnetism in Mixed Valence, Defect, Cubic Perovskites:
BaIn1-xFexO2.5+δ, x = 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75.
Local and Average Structures'',
Antonio D. Lozano-Gorrin, Bradley Wright, Paul A. Dube, Casey A. Marjerrison,
Fang Yuan, Graham King, Dominic H. Ryan, Cristina Gonzalez-Silgo, Lachlan M.D. Cranswick,
Andrew P. Grosvenor and John E. Greedan,
ACS Omega 6 (2021) 6017-29.
(Open access journal link)
- ``Magnetic crystalline-symmetry-protected axion electrodynamics
and field-tunable unpinned Dirac cones in EuIn2As2'',
S.X.M. Riberolles, T.V. Trevisan, B. Kuthanazhi, T.W. Heitmann, F. Ye,
D.C. Johnston, S.L. Bud'ko, D.H. Ryan, P.C. Canfield, A. Kreyssig,
A. Vishwanath, R.J. McQueeney, L.-L. Wang, P.P. Orth, and B.G. Ueland
Nature Communications 12 (2021) 999(7).
(Open access journal link)
- ``Tuning of charge density wave transitions in LaAuxSb2 by
pressure and Au stoichiometry'',
Li Xiang, Dominic H. Ryan, Warren E. Straszheim, Paul C. Canfield, and Sergey L. Bud'ko,
Phys. Rev. B102 (2020) 125110(12).
(1288k pdf file)
- ``Magnetic phase transitions in Eu(Co,Ni)2As2 single crystals'',
N.S. Sangeetha, Santanu Pakhira, D.H. Ryan, V. Smetana, A.-V. Mudring, and D.C. Johnston,
PRMaterials 4 (2020) 084407(23).
(4336k pdf file)
- ``Mössbauer study of the temperature dependence of electron
delocalization in mixed valence freudenbergite'',
John D. Cashion, Eric R. Vance and D.H. Ryan
J Am Ceram Soc. 103 (2020) 5496-5501.
(464k pdf file)
- ``Manipulating magnetism in the topological semimetal EuCd2As2'',
Na Hyun Jo, Brinda Kuthanazhi, Yun Wu, Erik Timmons, Tae-Hoon Kim, Lin Zhou,
Lin-Lin Wang,
Benjamin G. Ueland, Andriy Palasyuk, Dominic H. Ryan,
Robert J. McQueeney, Kyungchan Lee,
Benjamin Schrunk, Anton A. Burkov,
Ruslan Prozorov, Sergey L. Bud'ko,
Adam Kaminski, and Paul C. Canfield
Phys. Rev. B101 (2020) 141402(R)(6).
(1709k pdf file)
- ``Unusual Li-ion Intercalation Activation with Progressive Capacity
Increase in Orthosilicate Nanocomposite Cathode'',
Majid Rasool, Hsien-Chieh Chiu, Raynald Gauvin, De-Tong Jiang, Jigang Zhou,
Dominic Ryan, Karim Zaghib, and George P. Demopoulos
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (2020) 5966-5977.
(7217k pdf file)
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