Particle and Astroparticle Physics SeminarLattice QCD, rare decays, flavour puzzles, and Belle IISophie HollittUniversity of AdelaideTheory and experiment both have key roles to play in our understanding of the Universe. In flavour physics, semileptonic and leptonic decays of B mesons let us access CKM matrix elements and probe our understanding of flavour changing processes, but there have been some recent puzzles offering tantalising hints of new physics. With pushes toward higher precision calculations in theory, including with lattice QCD, the broader physics community hopes to match theory errors to the statistical and systematic errors expected for upcoming analyses, including at Belle II. In this talk I will discuss my role in preparations for measuring semitauonic B decays in Belle II's Phase 3 in early 2019, and our prospects for learning more about possible lepton flavour violation and the existing R(D(*)) puzzle. I will also discuss my work on B mesons in lattice QCD, focussed on SU(3) symmetry breaking in the B decay constant, which is relevant to determination of CKM elements and rare leptonic decay rates.
Wednesday, August 8th 2018, 14:30
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, R.E Bell Conference Room (room 103) |