PhD defenses
- Friday, December 13th, 2024, 09:30 (R.E. Bell Room - room 103)
- 2D Materials for Electronics: Optoelectronic Characterization of Violet Phosphorus and Suspended Graphene Devices by Adhesion Lithography
- Eli Martel
- (Supervisor: Thomas Szkopek)
- Wednesday, December 11th, 2024, 09:30 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Constraining Nuclear Structure: Using Physical Models of Heavy-Ion Collisions to infer fluctuations in the Shapes of Atomic Nuclei
- Nicolas Fortier
- (Supervisor: Sangyong Jeon)
- Wednesday, November 27th, 2024, 11:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Hydrodynamic transport and viscous flow in ultra-high
mobility Corbino rings
- Sujatha Vijayakrishnan
- (Supervisor: Guillaume Gervais)
- Thursday, November 21st, 2024, 12:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
room 103)
- Temperature Independent Anomalous Hall Effect in Thin
- Oulin Yu
- (Supervisors: Guillaume Gervais and
Thomas Szkopek)
- Friday, November 8th, 2024, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Convection and Outflows from Accreting Neutron Stars during Thermonuclear Flashes
- Simon Guichandut
- (Supervisor: Andrew Cumming)
- Thursday, October 31st, 2024, 09:00 (MUHC, Glen Site, Cedars Cancer Centre, D-02.1312)
- Dosimetry in intraoperative radiotherapy for glioblastoma using the INTRABEAM
- David Santiago Ayala Alvarez
- (Supervisors: Shirin Abbasi Nejad Enger and
Jan Seuntjens)
- Wednesday, October 30th, 2024, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Advances in ultra-high dose rate radiation therapy
- Julien Bancheri
- (Supervisors: Shirin Abbasi Nejad Enger and
Jan Seuntjens)
- Thursday, October 17th 2024, 13:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Testing silicon photomultipliers with vacuum-ultraviolet light for nEXO
- Lucas Darroch
- (Supervisor: Thomas Brunner)
- Wednesday, September 4th 2024, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Star formation efficiency in bulges: an observational
investigation of eight nearby galaxies with rich molecular gas but low star
formation rate
- Anan Lu
- (Supervisor: Daryl Haggard)
- Tuesday, July 23rd 2024, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- On the formation of planets in the Milky Way's thick
- Tim Hallatt
- (Supervisor: Eve Lee)
- Tuesday, July 16th 2024, 10:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- First observation of the simultaneous production of a
W boson and two photons in proton-proton collisions
- Alessandro Ambler
- (Supervisor: Brigitte Vachon)
- Thursday, May 30th 2024, 09:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Low-dimensional models of immune sensing and signaling
- François Bourassa
- (Supervisors: Paul François and
Nikolas Provatas)
- Friday, May 24th 2024, 09:30 (Online)
- Measurement of the Branching Fraction of Charmless
Semileptonic B Meson Decays and the Quark-Mixing Matrix Element |Vub| with the Belle II Experiment
- Andrea Fodor
- (Supervisor: Andreas Warburton)
- Tuesday, April 30th 2024, 13:00 (MUHC / D-block / Royal Victoria
Hospital, room D-02.1312)
- Towards a clinical implementation of mixed electron-photon radiation therapy
- Veng Jean Hen
- (Supervisors: John Kildea & Jan Seuntjens)
- Tuesday, April 2nd 2024, 13:00 (>R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Precision mass measurements of neutron-deficient
strontium and commissioning of an HPGe array for in-trap decay spectroscopy at the TITAN EBIT
- Zachary Hockenbery
- (Supervisor: Thomas Brunner)
- Monday, March 25th 2024, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Extracting Physical Feature of Submicron Sized
Condensates Using Single Molecule Microscopy
- Baljyot Parmar
- (Supervisor: Stephanie Weber)
- Tuesday, March 12th 2024, 12:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- A systematic study of phonon dynamics at the 2D limit
and beyond: an ab-initio view of ultrafast diffuse scattering
- Tristan Britt
- (Supervisor: Brad Siwick)
- Thursday, March 19th 2020, 10:30 (McIntyre Building, room 1101)
- Radiation therapy outcome prediction using statistical
correlations & deep learning
- André Diamant Boustead
- (Supervisors:
Jan Seuntjens
and Issam El
- Friday, February 28th 2020, 11:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Tools for Measuring the Material Parameters of
- Maddy Anthonisen
- (Supervisor: Peter Grütter)
- Friday, February 21st 2020, 09:00 (Boadroom - room 105)
- Modeling electronic transport in disordered mesoscopic
- Chenyi Zhou
- (Supervisor: Hong Guo)
- Thursday, February 20th 2020, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Measurement of the Bethe-Heitler Cross Section in the
TeV Regime and Search for Lorentz Invariance Violation with VERITAS
- Tony Tsen-Yuan Lin
- (Supervisor: Ken Ragan)
- Monday, December 9th 2019, 14:00 (MUHC, Room DS1 1427)
- Reference dosimetry of static, nonstandard radiation
therapy fields: application to biology-guided radiotherapy and cranial
radiosurgery generators
- Lalageh Mirzakhanian
- (Supervisor: Jan Seuntjens)
- Thursday, December 5th 2019, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Magnetic topological insulator surface physics
- Kunal Landon Tiwari
- (Supervisors: Tami Pereg-Barnea and
Bill Coish)
- Monday, November 11th 2019, 13:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Atomistic modeling of random impurity effects in nano
- Qing Shi
- (Supervisor: Hong Guo)
- Wednesday, October 30th 2019, 11:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- The many forms of the conformal bootstrap
- Yan Gobeil
- (Supervisor: Alex Maloney)
- Friday, October 25th 2019, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Holographic aspects of black holes in chiral conformal
field theories
- Laure-Anne Douxchamps
- (Supervisor: Alex Maloney)
- Friday, October 18th 2019, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Characterization of rapid neurite manipulation for
building an artificial neural network with neurons
- Matthew Rigby
- (Supervisor: Peter Grütter)
- Monday, September 9th 2019, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Advancements in electron pulse compression technology
applied to ultrafast electron scattering
- Martin Otto
- (Supervisor: Brad Siwick)
- Friday, September 6th 2019, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Modeling the effect of elasticity in motile cells
- Yony Bressler
- (Supervisor: Martin Grant)
- Friday, August 30th 2019, 10:00 (>R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Signatures of Cosmic Strings on the Dark Matter
- Disrael Camargo Neves Da Cunha
- (Supervisor: Robert Brandenberger)
- Thursday, August 29th 2019, 14:00(R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Towards a T-dual Cosmology
- Guilherme Franzmann
- (Supervisor: Robert Brandenberger)
- Tuesday, July 30th 2019, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Search for the rare decay of a B meson into a Lambda
baryon, proton and neutrino-antineutrino pair at the BABAR and Belle
II experiments
- Robert Seddon
- (Supervisor: Steve Robertson)
- Friday, July 26th 2019, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Specific heat in the fractional quantum Hall regime
- Benjamin Schmidt
- (Supervisor: Guillaume Gervais)
- Friday, June 14th 2019, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- A Fabry-Pé Microcavity for Quantum Optics with
Atomic Defects in Diamond
- Erika Janitz
- (Supervisor: Lily Childress)
- Thursday, June 6th 2019, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Topics in pre-big bang cosmology
- Jerome Quintin
- (Supervisor: Robert Brandenberger)
- Friday, May 31st 2019, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Scattering effects in atomistic quantum transport
- Mohammed Harb
- (Supervisor: Hong Guo)
- Thursday, March 28th 2019, 09:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Self-Interacting Dark Matter
- Jeremie Choquette
- (Supervisor: Jim Cline)
- Wednesday, March 27th 2019, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Quasi-one-dimensional superfluidity
- Pierre-François Duc
- (Supervisor: Guillaume Gervais)
- Monday, March 25th 2019, 13:30 (.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- All-optical THz pulse shaping in a dynamic waveguide
- Lauren Gingras
- (Supervisor: David Cooke)
- Wednesday, March 20th 2019, 12:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Mixed electron-photon radiation therapy treatment
planning and delivery
- Marc-André Renaud
- (Supervisor: Jan Seuntjens)
- Friday, March 1st 2019, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Time resolved electrostatic force microscopy
measurements of ionic transport
- Aaron Mascaro
- (Supervisor: Peter Grütter)
- Wednesday, February 27th 2019, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- An approach towards organic thin film conductivity
measurements under ultra-high vacuum conditions
- Andreas Spielhofer
- (Supervisor: Peter Grütter)
- Monday, December 17th 2018, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Dosimetry of a miniature x-ray source used in
intraoperative radiation therapy
- Peter Watson
- (Supervisor: Jan Seuntjens)
- Friday, December 14th 2018, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Imaging and manipulation of single nucleic acids with
Convex Lens-induced Confinement
- >D. Berard>
- (Supervisor: Sabrina Leslie)
- Thursday, November 8th 2018, 11:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Visualizing supercoil-induced DNA interactions with
single-molecule CLiC microscopy
- Shane Scott
- (Supervisor: Sabrina Leslie)
- Friday, November 2nd 2018, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Ultrafast electron diffuse scattering and its
application to 2D materials
- Mark Stern
- (Supervisor: Brad Siwick)
- Friday, November 2nd 2018, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- NOPAIN: a method for efficient evaluation of quantum
Nonlocal operators with applications to solids
- Ying-Chin Chen
- (Supervisor: Hong Guo)
- Friday, October 19th 2018, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Exploring the collective behaviour of small collision
- Igor Kozlov
- (Supervisor: Charles Gale)
- Friday, October 19th 2018, 10:00 (>R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- A phase-imaging technique for precision mass measurements
of neutron-rich nuclei with the Canadian Penning Trap mass spectrometer
- Rodney Orford
- (Supervisor: Fritz Buchinger)
- Friday, October 5th 2018, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Characterization studies of small-strip thin gap
chambers for the ATLAS upgrade
- Benoit Lefebvre
- (Supervisor: Brigitte Vachon)
- Thursday, October 4th 2018, 15:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- A search for Fermi LAT pulsars in archival VERITAS
- Jonathan Tyler
- (Supervisor: Ken Ragan)
- Monday, September 24th 2018, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Parametric driving as a route to topological states
and quantum devices
- Martin Houde
- (Supervisor: Tami Pereg-Barnea)
- Thursday, August 23rd 2018, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Correlator and calibration for the Canadian hydrogen
intensity mapping experiment
- Juan Mena
- (Supervisor: Matt Dobbs)
- Monday, August 20th 2018, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- First measurement of the associated production of a
photon and a bottom quark in proton-proton collisions
- Sébastien Prince
- (Supervisor: Brigitte Vachon)
- Wednesday, June 20th 2018, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Knot formation on nanochannel-confined DNA and
flow-assisted disentanglement
- Susan Amin
- (Supervisor: Walter Reisner)
- Tuesday, June 5th 2018, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Demonstration of x-ray acoustic computed tomography as
a radiotherapy dosimetry tool
- Susannah Hickling
- ((Supervisor:
Jan Seuntjens
and Issam El Naqa)
- Tuesday, May 29th 2018, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Single Diffraction Studies with the ATLAS Detector at
the Large Hadron Collider
- Annabelle Chuinard
- (Supervisor: François Corriveau)
- Monday, May 28th 2018, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Improvements to phase field crystal theory using
thermodynamical considerations
- Gabriel Kocher
- (Supervisor: Nikolas Provatas)
- Thursday, February 8th 2018, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Josephson tunneling in unconventional and topological
- Rosa Rodriguez Mota
- (Supervisor: Tami Pereg-Barnea)
- Tuesday, December 5th 2017, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- RESCU: extending the realm of Kohn-Sham density
functional theory
- Vincent Michaud-Rioux
- (Supervisor: Hong Guo)
- Monday, December 4th 2017, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- The influence of environment on high-redshift cluster
- Anna Delahaye
- (Supervisor: Tracy Webb)
- Thursday, November 23rd 2017, 14:00(R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Measurement of the production cross section of the
photon + charm final state in 8-TeV proton-proton collision using the ATLAS
detector at the LHC
- Robert Keyes
- (Supervisor: Andreas Warburton)
- Friday, November 17th 2017, 09:45 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Nonlinear Terahertz Interactions in Two Dimensional
- Sayyed Hadi Razavipour
- (Supervisor: David Cooke)
- Thursday, November 16th 2017, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Toward optically defined mechanical geometry
- Abeer Barasheed
- (Supervisor: Jack Sankey)
- Monday, November 13th 2017, 14:45 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Transient multi-THz spectroscopy of hybrid
organometallic perovskites
- David Valverde
- (Supervisor: David Cooke)
- Friday, October 27th 2017 09:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Constraining cosmological parameters with
gravitational lensing of the cosmic microwave background
- Gabrielle Simard
- (Supervisors: Matt Dobbs and
Gil Holder)
- Thursday, October 26th 2017, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Ultralow-noise silicon trampoline resonators for
sensing and optomechanics
- Christoph Reinhardt
- (Supervisor: Jack Sankey)
- Wednesday, October 25th 2017, 14:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- A 2500 square-degree cosmic microwave background
lensing map from combined South Pole telescope and planck temperature data,
and cross-correlation with large-scale structure
- Yuuki Omori
- (Supervisors: Matt Dobbs and
Gil Holder)
- Thursday, October 12th 2017, 10:00 (FDA 232)
- Nonequilibrium physics of nanochannel confined DNA
- Ahmed Khorsid
- (Supervisor: Walter Reisner)
- Thursday, October 5th 2017, 10:00 (FDA 232)
- Study of multi-point interactions in PFC models for
complex structural transformations
- Matthew Seymour
- (Supervisor: Nikolas Provatas)
- Friday, September 22nd 2017, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Pattern formation in 2D continuum and discrete
chemically reactive media
- Hossein Azizi
- (Supervisor: Nikolas Provatas)
- Friday, September 15th 2017, 10:00 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Exponential Networks and Representations of Quivers
- Sam Selmani
- (Supervisor: Alex Maloney and
Johannes Walcher
- Tuesday, September 5th 2017, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Radiomics: enabling factors towards precision
- Martin Carrier-Vallières
- (Supervisor:
Jan Seuntjens
and Issam El Naqa)
- Tuesday, August 8th 2017, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Characterizing the nanohertz gravitational wave
background produced by a cosmological population of binary
- Elinore Roebber
- (Supervisor: Victoria Kaspi and
Gil Holder)
- Thursday, July 13th 2017, 09:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- X-ray timing of young pulsars
- Robert Archibald
- (Supervisor: Victoria Kaspi)
- Tuesday, June 27th 2017, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Nanofluidic Coupled Membrane Devices for Single
Molecule Sensing and Imaging
- Yuning Zhang
- (Supervisor: Walter Reisner)
- Monday, June 26th 2017, 14:00 (M.H. Wong Building, room 103)
- A multiwavelength exploration of unexpected star
formation activity in SpARCS brightest cluster galaxies
- Nina Bonaventura
- (Supervisor: Tracy Webb)
- Monday, June 19th 2017, 14:00 (R.E. BEll Conference Room - room
- Optimization of real-world qubit measurements
- Benjamin D'Anjou
- (Supervisor: Bill Coish)
- Friday, June 9th 2017, 10:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Breakdown of the quantum hall effect in InGaAs/InP
quantum wells
- Victor Yu
- (Supervisors: Michael Hilke and Guy Austing)
- Wednesday, May 31st 2017, 10:00(R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Ab initio study of disordered nanoelectronic devices:
copper interconnects and group-III nitrides
- Mathieu César
- (Supervisor: Hong Guo)
- Friday, May 26th 2017, 10:00 (Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Early universe cosmology and dark energy: from the Big
Bang to the late expansion of the universe
- Elisa Ferreira
- (Supervisor: Robert Brandenberger)
- Tuesday, May 23rd 2017, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Reheating in early universe cosmology
- Hossein Bazrafshan Moghaddam
- (Supervisor: Robert Brandenberger)
- Friday, April 28th 2017, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- High Energy Physics and the Early Universe
- Evan McDonough
- (Supervisors: Robert Brandenberger and Keshav Dasgupta)
- Friday, March 17th 2017, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Measurement of the production cross section of jets in
association with a Z boson in 8 TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS
- Rodger Mantifel
- (Supervisor: François Corriveau)
- Monday, February 13th 2017, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
- Gradient echo-based quantitative myelin water imaging
- Eva Alonso Ortiz
- (Supervisor: Bruce
Pike &
Ives Levesque)
- Friday, December 16th 2016, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- On the development of absorbed dose calorimeter
systems for absolute clinical dosimetry
- James Renaud
- (Supervisor:
Jan Seuntjens
Arman Sarfehnia)
- Monday, December 5th 2016, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Model-dependant collider signatures of particle dark
- Grace Dupuis
- (Supervisor: Jim Cline)
- Tuesday, November 1st 2016, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Single-electron charging using atomic force microscopy
- Antoine Roy-Gobeil
- (Supervisor: Peter Grütter)
- Monday, October 31st 2016, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Observations of magnetars: from outburst to quiescence
- Paul Scholz
- (Supervisor: Victoria Kaspi)
- Wednesday, October 19th 2016, 14:15 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Numerical Models for radiation-induced DNA damage
- Piotr Pater
- (Supervisor: Issam El Naqa and
Jan Seuntjens)
- Monday, October 3rd 2016, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Entanglement and disorder in gapped and gapless
topological states
- Jan Borchmann
- (Supervisor: Tami Pereg-Barnea)
- Monday, October 3rd 2016, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Collinear laser spectroscopy on exotic isotopes of
rubidium and gallium
- Walaa Al Tamimi
- (Supervisor: Fritz Buchinger and
John Crawford)
- Friday, August 12th 2016, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Physical aspects of morphogenesis
- Mathias Beaupeux
- (Supervisor: Paul François)
- Wednesday, August 10th 2016, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Integrated description of heavy ion collisions at RHIC
and the LHC
- Sangwook Ryu
- (Supervisor: Sangyong Jeon)
- Tuesday, July 19th 2016, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Time-domain Kelvin probe force microscopy for local
ultra-fast decay time measurements
- Zeno Schumacher
- (Supervisor: Peter Grütter)
- Wednesday, June 29th 2016, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Search for very-high-energy gamma-ray emission from
primordial black holes with veritas
- Simon Archambault
- (Supervisor: David Hanna)
- Monday, June 6th 2016, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Using external fields to control topological
insulators and topological superconductors
- Aaron Farrell
- (Supervisor: Tami Pereg-Barnea)
- Monday, May 30th 2016, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Potential-driven surface stress of a cantilever-based
- Ann-Lauriene Haag
- (Supervisor: Peter Grütter)
- Thursday, May 26th 2016, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- System radiobiology modelling of radiation induced
lung disease
- SangKyu Lee
- (Supervisors:
Issam El Naqa
Jan Seuntjens)
- Wednesday, May 11th 2016 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Understanding and supressing dephasing noise in
semiconductor qubits
- Félix Beaudoin
- (Supervisor: Bill Coish)
- Tuesday, March 29th 2016, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Nonlinear information processing in early vestibular
- Adam Schneider
- (Supervisor: Brigitte Vachon)
- Monday, February 8th 2016, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- On the detector response and the reconstruction of the
source intensity distribution in small photon fields
- Paul Papaconstadopoulos
- (Supervisor: Jan Seuntjens)
- Thursday, January 14th 2016, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- A search for the decay of a B meson into a kaon and a
tau lepton pair at the BaBar experiment
- Racha Cheaib
- (Supervisor: Steve Robertson)
- Monday, December 21st 2015, 13:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Measurement of the inclusive isolated prompt photon
cross-section in the proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the
ATLAS detector
- Michael Stoebe
- (Supervisor: Brigitte Vachon)
- Tuesday, November 10th 2015, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- The VERITAS Bright Moonlight Program
- Sean Griffin
- (Supervisor: David Hanna)
- Thursday, November 5th 2015, 13:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Exploring the dynamics of strongly interacting media
with dilepton tomography
- Gojko Vujanovic
- (Supervisor: Charles Gale)
- Friday, September 4th 2015, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Characterizing the non-equilibrium quark-gluon plasma with photons and hadrons
- Jean-François Paquet
- (Supervisor: C. Gale)
- Friday, August 21st 2015, 11:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- DNA Polymer Physics in Complex Nanofluidic Environments
- Alexander Klotz
- (Supervisor: W. Reisner)
- Friday, May 22nd 2015, 10:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Search for physics beyond the standard model in
multi-jet events
recorded with the ATLAS detector in p-p collisions at center of mass energy
= 8 TeV using large hadron collider
- Kuhan Wang
- (Supervisor: A. Warburton)
- Friday, March 20th 2015, 09:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Using Coherent Xrays to measure velocity profiles
- Julien Lhermitte
- (Supervisor: M. Sutton)
- Thursday, March 19th 2015, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- The phase structure of entanglement measures and their
role in holography and quantum gravity
- Alexandre Belin
- (Supervisor: A. Maloney)
- Thursday, February 12th 2015, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Mass Transport in single Nanopores
- René Michel Savard
- (Supervisor: G. Gervais)
- Wednesday, January 28th 2015, 09:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Essays in late time cosmology
- Nicholas Park
- (Supervisor: R. Brandenberger)
- Monday, December 1st 2014, 09:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Thermalization of a QCD System via Kinetic Approach
- Egang Lu
- (Supervisor: Guy Moore)
- Friday, October 24th 2014, 13:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Probing neutron star interiors with type I x-ray
- Michael Zamfir
- (Supervisor: Andrew Cumming)
- Monday, October 20th 2014, 09:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Local mechanical stimulation based approaches for the
study of cells
- Monserrat Lopez
- (Supervisor: Peter Grütter)
- Friday, October 10th 2014, 10:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Instrumentation and Analysis for Observations of the
Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect from Galaxy Clusters with the APEX-SZ Experiment
- James Kennedy
- (Supervisor: Matt Dobbs)
- Monday, September 22nd 2014, 11:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Flexible polyelectrolytes: like-charged attraction,
linear stability, and long-term structure
- Adriano Ferrari
- (Supervisor: Martin Grant)
- Wednesday, September 3rd 2014, 13:00 (room 326)
- Cosmological constraints from the South Pole telescope
galaxy cluster survey
- Tijmen de Haan
- (Supervisor: Matt Dobbs)
- Monday, September 22nd 2008, 16:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Mechanics of liquid-crystal networks
- Simiso Mkhonta
- (Supervisor: Martin Grant)
- Friday, September 26th 2008, 14:00 (Piano Room - room 211)
- Penetrating probes in relativistic heavy ions
- Guang-You Qin
- (Supervisor: Charles Gale)
- Monday, October 27th 2008, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- The use of computed tomography images in Monte Carlo treatment planning
- Magdalena Bazalova
- (Supervisor: Frank Verhaegen)
- Monday, November 3rd 2008, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Supersymmetric large extra dimensions
- Doug Hoover
- (Supervisor: Cliff Burgess)
- Tuesday, November 4th 2008, 14:00 (Piano Room - room 211)
- VERITAS, 1ES 1218 + 30.4 and the extragalactic background light
- Luis Valcarcel
- (Supervisor: David Hanna)
- Thursday, November 6th 2008, 14:00 (Piano Room - room 211)
- Building foundations for molecular electronics: growth of organic molecules on alkali halides as prototypical insulating substrates
- Sarah Burke
- (Supervisor: P. Grütter)
- Tuesday, November 18th 2008, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Direct imaging of single particle dynamics in attractive colloidal systems approaching gelation via the volume fraction route
- Yongxiang Gao
- (Supervisor: M. Kilfoil)
- Wednesday, November 19th 2008, 14:00 (Piano Room - room 211)
- Gold nanodot and nanowire fabrication by atomic force microscopy
- Manuel Pumarol
- (Supervisor: P. Grütter)
- Friday, November 28th 2008, 12:30 (Room 305B)
- Nonperturbative regulators for supersymmetric theories
in 3 and 4 dimensions
- Joshua Elliott
- (Supervisor: Guy Moore)
- Monday, December 8th 2008, 14:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Crossover in directional solidification and C60 island
- Quanyong Wang
- (Supervisor: M. Grant)
- Wednesday, February 4th 2009, 11:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Development of a fast Monte Carlo code for dose
calculation in a treatment planning and feasibility study of high contrast
portal imaging
- Keivan Jabbari Najafabadi
- Wednesday, February 11th 2009, 09:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- A study of the Fractional Quantum Hall Energy Gap at
Half Filling
- Cory Dean
- (Supervisor: G. Gervais)
- Friday, February 13th 2009, 13:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Radio pulsars in binary systems
- René Breton
- (Supervisor: V. Kaspi)
- Friday, April 24th 2009, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room (room 103))
- Nanometer-scale studies of friction, dissipation and
- Tobin Filleter
- (Supervisors: P. Grütter and R. Bennewitz)
- Tuesday, April 28th 2009, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room (room
- Applications of many-body physics to relativistic
heavy ion collisions
- François Fillion
- (Supervisor: S. Jeon)
- Monday, August 24th 2009, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Diffusion and flow in growing pollen tubes
- Jens Kröger
- (Supervisor: M. Grant)
- Tuesday, August 25th 2009, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging of
magnetization transfer and T2 relaxation in human white matter pathology
- Ives Levesque
- (Supervisor: Bruce Pike)
- Thursday, August 27th 2009, 14:00 (Piano Room - room 211)
- Long-term monitoring of 5 anomalous X-ray pulsars
- Rim Dib
- (Supervisor: V. Kaspi)
- Friday, September 11th 2009, 09:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- String theory in the early universe
- Rhiannon Gwyn
- (Supervisor: K. Dasgupta)
- Monday, September 28th 2009, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Hard Probes of the quark-gluon plasma
- Simon Caron-Huot
- (Supervisor: G. Moore)
- Wednesday, November 11th 2009, 14:00 (Piano Room - room 211)
- Phase retrieval from x-ray intensity measurements
- David Montiel
- (Supervisor: M. Grant)
- Tuesday, November 24th 2009, 14:00 (room 305)
- Can we understand, control and use blinking of quantum dots in biological surroundings?
- Nela Durisic
- (Supervisor: P. Grütter)
- Monday, March 29th 2010, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Inflation and the primordial power spectrum
- Loison Hoi
- (Supervisor: J. Cline)
- Monday, May 10th 2010, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Models of binary fluid phase separation in the inertial regime
- Dominique Pouliot
- (Supervisor: M. Grant)
- Friday, May 14th 2010, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Water calorimetry-based radiation dosimetry in iridium-192 brachytherapy and proton therapy
- Arman Sarfehnia
- (Supervisor: J. Seuntjens)
- Wednesday, June 23rd 2010, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Image guided radiation therapy applications for head and neck, prostate, and breast cancers using 3D ultrasound imaging and Monte Carlo dose calculations
- Danielle Fraser
- (Supervisor: F. Verhaegen)
- Monday, August 2nd 2010, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- VERITAS observations of galactic compact objects
- Roxanne Guenette
- (Supervisor: K. Ragan)
- Thursday, September 2nd 2010, 10:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Timing young pulsars: Challenges to standard pulsar
spin-down models
- Margaret Livingstone
- (Supervisor: V. Kaspi)
- Friday, September 17th 2010, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Ultra high vacuum fabrication of metallic contacts for
molecular devices on an insulating surface
- Shawn Fostner
- (Supervisor: P. Grütter)
- Monday, September 27th 2010, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Charge and momentum in quantum electromechanical
- Steven Bennett
- (Supervisor: A. Clerk)
- Thursday, September 30th 2010, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Atomic force microscopy studies on the electrostatic
environment and energy levels of self-assembled quantum dots
- Lynda Cockins
- (Supervisor: P. Grütter)
- Wednesday, October 13th 2010, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy in molecular
electronic devices from first-principles
- Tao Ji
- (Supervisor: H. Guo)
- Friday, November 5th 2010, 11:30 (Piano Room - room 211)
- Inclusive K0S K0S resonance production in
electron-proton collisions at HERA
- Changyi Zhou
- (Supervisor: F. Corriveau)
- Friday, November 12th 2010, 11:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Deciphering synaptic receptor distributions,
clustering and stoichiometry using Spatial Intensity Distribution Analysis
- Antoine Godin
- (Supervisor: P. Wiseman)
- Thursday, November 18th 2010, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Measurement of oligomerization states of membrane
proteins via spatial fluorescence intensity fluctuation analysis.
- Mikhail Sergeev
- (Supervisor: P. Wiseman)
- Monday, November 22nd 2010, 10:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Mesoscopic Models of Block Copolymer Rheology
- Xusheng Zhang
- (Supervisors: J. Viñals & M. Grant)
- Wednesday, November 24th 2010, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Atomic contacts characterized by force and current
- Till Hagedorn
- (Supervisor: P. Grütter)
- Friday, November 26th 2010, 09:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
(room 103))
- Transport in weakly coupled vertical double quantum
dots: Single-particle energy level spectroscopy and hyperfine interaction
- Christopher Payette
- (Supervisor: M. Hilke)
- Tuesday, November 30th 2010, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room (room 103))
- From string theory to N QCD
- Mohammed Mia
- (Supervisor: C. Gale)
- Wednesday, December 8th 2010, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room (room 103))
- Atomic Force Microscopy Investigations of Cellular
response to environmental and local chemo-mechanical stimulus
- Fernando Suarez Sanchez
- (Supervisor: P. Grütter)
- Friday, December 10th 2010, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
(room 103))
- Nanometre scale indentation: Effect of very sharp
indenters on adhesion, plasticity, and electronic transport
- Mehdi El Ouali
- (Supervisor: P. Grütter)
- Monday, December 13th 2010, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
(room 103))
- First Principles Quantitative Modeling of Molecular
- Zhanyu Ning
- (Supervisor: H. Guo)
- Monday, January 17th 2011, 14:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Theory of Non-Equilibrium Vertex Correction
- Youqi Ke
- (Supervisor: H. Guo)
- Monday, January 24th 2011, 14:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Low Temperature Force Microscopy on a Deeply Embedded
Two Dimensional Electron Gas
- James Hedberg
- (Supervisor: G. Gervais)
- Wednesday, April 13th 2011, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Plasticity Experiments with Single Dislocation
Resolution in Indentation and Wear
- Philip Egberts
- (Supervisors: P. Grütter & R. Bennewitz)
- Thursday, May 26th 2011, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- A 119Sn and 155Gd Mössbauer
spectroscopy and neutron diffraction study of
R3T4X4 (R=rare-earth,T=Cu,Ag, X=Sn,Ge)
- Christian Voyer
- (Supervisor: D. Ryan)
- Friday, May 27th 2011, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Search for Higgs bosons beyond the standard model in
early ATLAS
- Miika Klemetti
- (Supervisor: S. Robertson)
- Friday, June 3rd 2011, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Spike patterns optimize information transmission in
neural populations
- Oscar Avila Akerberg
- (Supervisor: M. Chacron)
- Tuesday, July 5th 2011, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Experimental Study of Initial State Radiative Events
at HERA and a Measurement of the Proton Longitudinal Structure Function
- Jason Schwartz
- (Supervisor: F. Corriveau)
- Thursday, July 7th 2011, 13:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- The Cooling of High-Magnetic-Field Pulsars
- Weiwei Zhu
- (Supervisor: V. Kaspi)
- Wednesday, August 3rd 2011, 13:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Search for a Standard Model Higgs Boson Produced in
Association with a W Boson in the Isolated-Track Charged-Lepton Channel using
the Collider Detector at Fermilab
- Adrian Buzatu
- (Supervisor: A. Warburton)
- Wednesday, September 21st 2011, 13:45 (R.E. Bell Conference
Room - room 103)
- Transport and charge sensing measurements of coupled
quantum dot devices
- Carolyn Young
- (Supervisor: M. Hilke)
- Monday, September 26th 2011, 14:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Discovery of Emission above 100 GeV from The Crab
Pulsar With VERITAS
- Andrew McCann
- (Supervisor: D. Hanna)
- Tuesday, October 11th 2011, 13:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Liquid-solid systems out of equilibrium: phase-field
crystal studies of solidification, melting, and plasticity
- Joel Berry
- (Supervisor: M. Grant and
K. Elder)
- Friday, December 2nd 2011, 09:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- First Principles Simulations of nanoelectronic Devices
- Jesse Maassen
- (Supervisor: H. Guo)
- Friday, December 16th 2011, 09:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Molecular thin films: characterization, control, and
collection of light
- Jessica Topple
- (Supervisor: P. Grütter)
- Friday, March 30th 2012, 13:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Three-dimensional Gravity, Holography and Black Holes
- Nima Lashkari
- (Supervisor: A. Maloney & P. Hayden)
- Friday, June 22nd 2012, 14:00 (Keys Auditorium - room 112)
- Adventures in atomic force microscopy towards the
study of the solid-liquid interface
- Aleks Labuda
- (Supervisor: P. Grütter)
- Monday, September 30th 2013, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- The X-ray Binary/Millisecond Pulsar Transition Object
PSR J1023+0038
- Anne Archibald
- (Supervisor: V. Kaspi)
- Wednesday, October 16th 2013, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Fabrication and characterization of permalloy
- Jeff Bates
- (Supervisor: P. Grütter)
- Tuesday, December 3rd 2013, 10:15 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Coulomb Drag in Vertically-Integrated One-Dimensional
Quantum Wire
- Dominique Laroche
- (Supervisor: G. Gervais)
- Tuesday, December 10th 2013, 10:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Investigating the structure, star formation and
stellar mass of the z = 0.9 supercluster RCS 2319+00
- Ashley Faloon
- (Supervisor: T. Webb)
- Tuesday, January 14th 2014, 09:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Electronic Transport in Hydrogenated Graphene
- Jonathan Guillemette
- (Supervisor: T. Szkopek /
Co-supervisor: G. Gervais)
- Tuesday, January 14th 2014, 13:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Dusty star-forming galaxies within high-redshift
galaxy clusters
- Allison Noble
- (Supervisor: T. Webb)
- Monday, February 24th 2014, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Search for top-antitop quark resonances with the ATLAS
detector at the Large Hadron Collider
- Bertrand Chapleau
- (Supervisor: B. Vachon)
- Friday, April 25th 2014, 13:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Structural dynamics of the metal-insulator transition
in VO2: an ultrafast electron diffraction study with radio-frequency
compressed electron pulses
- Vance Morrison
- (Supervisor: B. Siwick)
- Thursday, May 8th 2014, 09:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- The feasibility and accuracy of Modulated Electron
Radiation Therapy delivery and the design of novel scattering foils
- Tanner Connell
- (Supervisor: M. Hobson)
- Wednesday, May 21st 2014, 09:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Radio-frequency pulse compression for high-brightness
ultrafast electron diffraction: design, characterization and application
- Robert Chatelain
- (Supervisor: B. Siwick)
- Friday, June 6th 2014, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Development and performance of the detectors and
readout of the EBEX balloon-borne CMB polarimeter
- Kevin MacDermid
- (Supervisor: M. Dobbs)
- Thursday, June 12th 2014, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Non-perturbative resummation in three dimensional
Yang-Mills theory
- Mark Abraao York
- (Supervisor: G. Moore)
- Monday, June 16th 2014, 13:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Neutron Stars and the determination of the dense
matter equation of state
- Sébastien Guillot
- (Supervisor: R. Rutledge)
- Friday, June 27th 2014, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Dynamical dark Energy
- Vincent Poitras
- (Supervisor: J. Cline)
- Thursday, July 3rd 2014, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Black Holes and Toy Cosmologies in higher spin gravity
- Arnaud Lepage-Jutier
- (Supervisor: A. Maloney)
- Wednesday, July 9th 2014, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Spectroscopy of luminescent nanoparticles and
interactions with organic molecules for imaging and therapy
- Daniel Cooper
- (Supervisor: J. Nadeau)
- Monday, August 11th 2014, 13:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room (room
- The x-ray emission and population of highly magnetized
neutron stars
- Scott Olausen
- (Supervisor: V. Kaspi)