- Thursday, February 13th, 2025, 10:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Galactic cosmic rays: direct measurements, status and
- Stéphane Coutu
- Penn State University
- Abstract
- Monday, January 6th, 2025, 15:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Towards XLZD: Hardware R&D and Challenges in Scaling Up Xenon Detectors
- Frédéric Girard
- CNRS - LPNHE, Sorbonne Université
- Abstract
- Monday, November 18th, 2024, 09:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
(room 103))
- Searching for Majorana neutrinos with NEXT
- Roxanne Guenette
- University of Manchester
- Abstract
- Monday, July 29th 2024, 11:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Nuclear Physics Research at the Centre for Energy Research and Development, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ife-Ife: The journey so far!
- Mouftahou Bakary Latif
- Acting Head of Division of Applied Nuclear Science and Technology,
Obafemi Awolowo University
- Abstract
- Thursday, April 18th 2024, 14:00 (TSI Conference room)
- Update on the Scintillating Bubble Chamber
(SBC) collaboration and SBC-LAr10
- Hector Hawley Herrara
- Queen's University
- Abstract
- Thrusday, April 4th 2024, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Ion traps as tools for probing nuclear structure,
astrophysics, and exotic nuclear decays
- Zach Hockenbery
- McGill & TRIUMF
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 7th 2024, 10:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Results from the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) Experiment
- Hugh Lippincott
- UC Santa Barbara
- Abstract
- Wednesday, July 12th 2023, 15:00 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Mass measurements of short-lived isotopes for Nuclear
Physics and Fundamental Symmetries studies at TITAN
- Marilena Lykiardopoulou
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 9th 2023, 15:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- PIONEER: a next generation pion decay experiment
- Chloé Malbrunot
- TRIUMF and McGill
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 20th 2022, 16:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Searching for neutrinoless double beta decay with nEXO
and beyond
- David Moore
- Yale University
- Abstract
- Monday, September 19th 2022, 16:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- The road towards reliable nuclear matrix elements for
neutrinoless double beta decay
- Antoine Belley
- Abstract
- Thrusday, February 17th 2022, 13:30
- Application of Superconducting Quantum Sensors in
Subatomic Physics
- Kyle Leach
- Department of Physics, Colorado School of Mines
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 4th 2020, 15:30
- The REDTOP experiment: Rare Eta Decays to Explore new
- Corrado Gatto
- INFN / Northern Illinois University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 5th 2020, 15:00 (Boardroom - room
- Studying Neutrinos with SNO+
- Erica Caden
- SNOLAB/Laurentian
- Abstract
- Wednesday, December 4th 2019, 14:30
- Neutrino Interferometry at DUNE: Preparing for the
Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment
- Deborah Harris
- FNAL and York University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 12th 2019, 15:30
- Searches for ultra long-lived particles with MATHUSLA
- Miriam Diamond
- University of Toronto
- Abstract
- Monday, November 11th 2019, 13:30 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Note special venue
- Accelerator developments and model-based beam operation for accelerated rare isotope beams at TRIUMF
- Oliver Kester
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 6th 2019, 15:30
- Trinity: An air shower imaging instrument to detect
ultrahigh-energy neutrinos
- Otte Nepomuk
- Georgia Tech
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 23rd 2019, 15:00 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Special Astroparticle Seminar
- The Two Noble Kinsmen: use of liquid noble gas
detectors in Astroparticle physics
- Nigel Smith
- Director of SNOLAB
- Abstract
- Thrusday, October 10th 2019, 15:30 (room 326)
- Note special venue
- Building LZ; the world's biggest and cleanest TPC Dark
Matter detector to date
- Alvine Kamaha
- University at Albany SUNY
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 9th 2019, 15:30 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Note special venue
- First results of the KATRIN experiment on an absolute neutrino mass measurement
- Björn Lehnert
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Abstract
- Friday, September 20th 2019, 13:00
- Ab initio nuclear theory for beyond standard model
- Jason Holt
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 1st 2019, 15:30 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Background Reduction Techniques and Simulations for Dark Matter Search
- Olivia Scallon
- Laurentian University
- Abstract
- Friday, April 5th 2019, 10:30 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Note special time and venue
- Search for neutrinoless double-beta decay in 76Ge
- Alan Poon
- Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 27th 2019, 14:30 (Boardroom - room
- The All Sky Medium Energy Gamma-ray Observatory
(AMEGO): A Powerful Tool for Unlocking the MeV Sky
- Sean Griffin
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 13th 2019, 14:30
- Connections between the hard to see: dark matter and
- David McKeen
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 1st 2018, 15:00
- Note special day
- Ab initio theory for fundamental problems in
nuclear-weak physics
- Jason Holt
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 31st 2018, 15:30
- HAWC's view of the very-high-energy gamma-ray sky
- Henrike Fleischhack
- Michigan Tech
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 24th 2018, 15:30
- Recent high-energy neutrino measurements with the
IceCube neutrino observatory
- Nahee Park
- University of Wisconsin
- Abstract
- Friday, August 17th 2018, 15:30
- Special Particle and Astroparticle Physics Seminar
- Resonance ionization laser spectroscopy: from nuclear
structure to a cure for cancer
- Thomas Cocolios
- KU Leuven
- Abstract
- Wednesday, August 8th 2018, 14:30
- Lattice QCD, rare decays, flavour puzzles, and Belle
- Sophie Hollitt
- University of Adelaide
- Abstract
- Wednesday, August 1st 2018, 14:30
- Truth and Beauty: Selected top quark measurements from
- Véronique Boisvert
- Royal Holloway London
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 23rd 2018, 14:30
- Dark Matter Searches with PICO Bubble Chambers
- Ubi Wichoski
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 2nd 2018, 14:30
- Binary systems observed with H.E.S.S. telescopes
- Chistian Mariaud
- École Polytechnique
- Abstract
- Thursday, April 26th 2018, 15:30
- Antinucleons in Cosmic Rays? Using GAPS to Open a New
Window in the Search for Dark Matter
- Ralph Bird
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 11th 2018, 14:30
- Results from the First Two Years of Operation of the
CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) Mission on the International Space
- Mike Cherry
- Louisiana State University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 4th 2018, 14:30
- Past, Present and Future of Dark Matter Direct
Detection Searches
- Pietro Giampa
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 21st 2018, 15:30
- Opportunities for the next generation Neutrino physics
- Akira Konaka
- Abstract
- Monday, March 19th 2018, 13:30
- TITAN: Precision nuclear experiments with ion traps
- Ania Kwiatkowski
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 13th 2018, 13:30
- COHERENT Neutrino Scattering at the SNS
- Matt Green
- North Carolina State University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 28th 2018, 14:30
- Things That Go Flash or Blink in the Night: Outfitting
VERITAS to Explore the High-Cadence Universe
- Jeremy Heyl
- University of British Colombia
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 21st 2018, 13:30
- DEAP-3600 Overview and Current Status
- Thomas McElroy
- University of Alberta
- Abstract
- Monday, February 19th 2018, 13:30
- Decays of rare isotopes: From the precision frontier
to the limits of stability
- G.F. Grinyer
- Department of Physics, University of Regina
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 13th 2018, 14:30 (room 305)
- Note special venue
- Search for the associated production of a Higgs boson
and a top quark pair at the LHC
- Tamara Vázquez Schröder
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 10th 2018, 14:30
- High Energy Cosmic rays and Neutrinos with the EUSO
super pressure balloon program and POEMMA
- Lawrence Wiencke
- Department of Physics, Colorado School of Mines
- Abstract
- Monday, November 20th 2017, 14:45
- Searches for long-lived particles and exotic
signatures at the LHC
- Heather Russell
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 8th 2017, 14:30
- Searching dark matter with NaI detectors
- Liang Yang
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 18th 2017, 14:30
- Joint Particle and Astroparticle Physics & Experimental HEP Seminar
- Neutrino physics with liquid xenon detectors
- Michelle Dolinski
- Drexel University
- Abstract
- Monday, October 16th 2017, 14:30
- Joint Particle and Astroparticle Physics & Experimental HEP Seminar
- ANTIHYDROGEN: Its Capture and Interrogation
- Art Olin
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 27th 2017, 14:30
- Dark matter particles and where to find them
- Simon Viel
- Carleton University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, July 5th 2017, 14:30
- Imaging Spent Nuclear Fuel with Passive Gamma Emission
- Camille Bélanger-Champagne
- Helsinki Institute of Physics
- Abstract
- Wednesday, June 14th 2017, 14:30
- ARA Status and Development
- Simon Archambault
- Chiba University
- Abstract
- Thursday, May 25th 2017, 14:30
- Commissioning the Belle II Experiment
- Alexandre Beaulieu
- University of Victoria
- Abstract
- Friday, April 7th 2017, 13:30
- Ultracold neutrons and the nEDM: from Phonon
excitaction to the Big Bang Theory and back to the Standard Model
- Beatrice Franke
- Abstract
- Thursday, April 6th 2017, 14:30
- Precision searches for new physics using optically
levitated microspheres
- Dave Moore
- Yale University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 25th 2017, 15:00
- Note special time
- Dark Matter Search with DEAP-3600 at SNOLAB
- Mark Boulay
- Carleton University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 30th 2016, 14:30
- Search for Dark Matter with the XENON1T Experiment
- Marie-Cécile Piro
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 23rd 2016, 14:30
- Searching for the QCD Axion with Black Holes and Gravitational Waves
- Masha Baryakhtar
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Monday, November 7th 2016, 14:30
- Probing the origin of cosmic rays with high-energy
neutrinos and gamma rays
- Marcos Santander
- Barnard College - Columbia University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 2nd 2016, 14:30
- Note special day
- IceCube and Fermi-LAT: Complementary Limits on Heavy
Dark Matter
- Nicholas Rodd
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 26th 2016, 14:30
- Dark matter annihilation vs. astrophysics: the
gamma-ray signal from the dwarf galaxy Reticulum II
- Alex Geringer-Sameth
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 12th 2016, 14:30
- Gamma-ray Survey of our Universe
- Michelle Hui
- NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 7th 2016, 14:30
- New results on Heavy Flavor Production at HERA
- Uri Karshon
- Weizmann Institute
- Abstract
- Wednesday, July 6th 2016, 13:30
- The Galactic Centre as a powerful cosmic PeVatron
- Aion Viana
- Max Planck Institute, Heidelberg
- Abstract
- Monday, May 16th 2016, 10:00
- Note special day and time
- Probing gravity - and other forces - at extreme scales
- Giorgio Gratta
- Stanford University
- Abstract
- Friday, May 6th 2016, 14:30
- Note special day
- Searching for ν physics with Liquid Argon detectors
- Roxanne Guenette
- Oxford University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 27th 2016, 13:30
- Cosmic-ray isotope measurements with HELIX
- Nahee Park
- University of Chicago
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 6th 2016, 14:30
- Water Cherenkov Neutrino Detectors for the 21st
- Hiro Tanaka
- Univerisity of Toronto
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 2nd 2016, 13:30
- Latest ATLAS results on Supersymmetry with √s=13
TeV data
- Jean-François Arguin
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 10th 2016, 13:30
- Single Photon Detector Microsystems for Neutrino and
High Energy Physics: 3D Digital Silicon Photomultiplier
- Jean-François Pratte
- Université de Sherbrooke
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 28th 2016, 11:00
- Note special day and time
- SN neutrinos with HALO-2
- Stanley Yen
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 27th 2016, 13:00 (room 305A/B)
- Note special venue
- On our way to build a precision probe at the TeV
scale: The International Linear Collider
- Alain Bellerive
- Carleton University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 21st 2015, 13:30
- Magnetic field determination to 70 ppb in the new muon
g-2 experiment at Fermilab
- Joseph Grange
- Argonne National Laboratory
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 7th 2015, 13:30
- Towards a measurement of the iron spectrum in cosmic
rays with VERITAS
- Henrike Fleischhack
- DESY-Zeuthen
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 23rd 2015, 13:30
- The Digital Hadron Calorimeter: A New Concept and its
First Results
- Benjamin Freund
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Thursday, September 10th 2015, 14:30
- Science results from VERITAS
- Jamie Holder
- University of Delaware
- Wednesday, May 20th 2015, 13:30
- CALICE: Calorimetry reinvented
- Jose Repond
- Argonne National Lab
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 13th 2015, 13:30
- Top Quark & Co.
- Tamara Vázquez Schröder
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 15th 2015, 13:30
- Measuring γ with B → P P P Decays
- David London
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Wednesday, December 10th 2014, 14:30
- A Rare Opportunity - the Mu2e experiment at Fermilab
- Douglas Glenzinski
- Fermilab
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 12th 2014, 14:30
- Signal of a light dark force in the Galactic Center
- Wei Xue
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 5th 2014, 14:30
- Search for New Physics in the Cosmic Rays with the
Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer
- Paolo Zuccon
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 22nd 2014, 14:30
- The EAGLE project: Simulating the joint evolution of
galaxies and dark matter in a large cosmological volume
- Matthieu Schaller
- Durham University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 15th 2014, 14:30
- Rescaling cosmological simulations from standard to
modified gravity
- Alexander Mead
- University of Edinburgh
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 8th 2014, 14:30
- Showers in the desert: measuring ultra-high-energy
cosmic rays with Telescope Array
- Thomas Stroman
- University of Utah
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 23rd 2014, 14:30 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Note special venue
- First WIMP search results from the Large Underground
Xenon experiment
- Blair Edwards
- Yale University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 16th 2014, 14:30
- Searching for Supersymmetry using the Higgs boson
- Andrée Robichaud-Véronneau
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 2nd 2014, 14:30
- New light on 21cm intensity fluctuations from the dark
- Yacine Ali-Haimoud
- Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 26th 2014, 14:30
- The Astrophysical Multimessenger Observatory Network
- Gordana Tešić
- Department of Physics, Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos,
Pennsylvania State University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 12th 2014, 14:30
- Search for New Phenomena with the Mono-jet Signature
with the ATLAS Detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider
- Reyhaneh Rezvani
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 12th 2014, 14:30
- Dark Cosmology with Heavenly Lenses
- Joachim Harnois-Deraps
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 22nd 2014, 14:30
- CMB Polarization with the South Pole Telescope
- Duncan Hanson
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 15th 2014, 14:30
- Beyond collisionless dark matter
- Sean Tulin
- University of Michigan
- Abstract
- Wednesday, December 4th 2013, 14:30
- Birth of neutrino astronomy - Recent Highlights from
- Matthias Danninger
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 27th 2013, 15:00
- Note special time
- Studying the Strong Interaction in W/Z events at the
- Hugo Beauchemin
- Tufts University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 20th 2013, 14:30
- The SuperTIGER Experiment and Galactic Cosmic-Ray
- John E. Ward
- Washington University in St. Louis
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 30th 2013, 14:30
- Would an Anti-apple Fall Up? Tests of the
Gravitational Interaction between Matter and Antimatter
- Scott Menary
- York University
- Abstract
- R.E. Bell Conference Room (room 103)
- Wednesday, October 16th 2013, 14:30
- First Results and Prospects for the High Altitude
Water Cherenkov Detector
- John Pretz
- Los Alamos National Lab
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 25th 2013, 14:30
- Excess of Galactic Diffuse Gamma-ray Emission:
Astrophysics, Dark Mater, or Statistical Fluke
- Meng Su
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 18th2013, 14:30
- Constraining annihilating and decaying Dark Matter
with the Cosmic Microwave Background
- Aaron Vincent
- Universitat de València
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 11th 2013, 14:30
- Dynamical Dark Matter: An Alternative Framework for
Dark-Matter Physics
- Brooks Thomas
- Carleton
- Abstract
- Tuesday, June 4th 2013, 16:00 (Room 326)
- Note special day, time and venue
- The Dark Side of the Sun: Searching for Solar Axions
with Helioscopes
- Julia K. Vogel
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 17th 2013, 14:30
- The Fermi Large Area Telescope, Astrophysics, Dark
Matter Searches and the 130GeV Line
- Eric Charles
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 3rd 2013, 14:30
- Gamma-ray lines in the Fermi LAT data?
- Christoph Weniger
- GRAPPA Institute, University of Amsterdam
- Abstract
- CANCELLED: Wednesday, March 27th 2013, 14:30
- Recent evidence for Gamma-ray Line Emission from
Fermi-LAT: WIMP or artifact?
- Meng Su
- Harvard CfA
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 6th 2013, 14:30
- Searching for sterile neutrinos with LAr detectors
- Roxanne Guénette
- Royal Holloway University of London
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 20th 2013, 14:30
- The Higgs boson: where we go from here
- Heather Logan
- Carleton University
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 14th 2013, 14:00
- Special Astroparticle Seminar
- How To See The Dark: Signatures of Strings and Other
Things in the 21 cm radiation from high-redshift hydrogen
- Óscar Hernández
- Marianopolis College / McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 13th 2013, 14:30
- Beyond Standard Model Top Physic through same-charge
- Léa Gauthier
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Wednesday, December 12th 2012, 14:30
- Novel statistical applications to gamma-ray
- Savvas Koushiappas
- Brown University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, December 5th 2012, 14:30
- Understanding High Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from the
Galactic Center
- Tim Linden
- UC Santa Cruz
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 14th 2012, 14:30
- Updates and Status of DM-Ice
- Reina Maruyama
- University of Wisconsin Madison
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 31st 2012, 14:30
- Search for New Physics using Same-Sign Leptons at
- Jean-François Arguin
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 3rd 2012, 14:30
- An argument that the dark matter is axions
- Pierre Sikivie
- University of Florida
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 23rd 2012, 14:30
- Noble Travails: Noble Liquid Detectors Searching for
Particle Dark Matter
- Richard Gaitskell
- Brown University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 16th 2012, 14:30
- 100 years of cosmic rays: present and future of
cosmic-ray propagation models
- Antje Putze
- Oskar Klein Centre Stockholm
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 9th 2012, 14:30
- Neutrinos from dark matter annihilation in the Sun
- Christopher Savage
- Stockholm University
- Abstract
- Monday, May 7th 2012, 14:30
- Special Astroparticle Seminar
- Long-term monitoring of blazars with dedicated Cherenkov telescopes the DWARF network and the FACT telescope
- Michael Backes
- Technical University Dortumd
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 2nd 2012, 14:30
- The search for the Higgs boson at the ATLAS experiment
- Dag Gillberg
- Carleton University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 18th 2012, 14:30
- The Direct Detection of sub-GeV Dark Matter: First
Limits and Future Prospects
- Rouven Essig
- Stony Brook
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 4th 2012, 14:30
- Observation of Two-Neutrino Double-Beta Decay in
136Xe: First EXO Results in the Search for the Neutrino-less decay
- Jacques A. Farine
- Laurentian University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 3rd 2012, 14:30
- Note special day
- The Supernova Equation of State: Potential vs.
Field-Theoretical Approaches
- C. Constantinou
- Stony Brook
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 28th 2012, 14:30
- Constraining Dark Matter models from a Combined
Analysis of Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies with the Fermi Large Area Telescope
- Maja Llena-Garde
- OKC Stockholm
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 21st 2012, 14:30
- The Case For 10 GeV Dark Matter
- Dan Hooper
- Fermilab
- Abstract
- CANCELLED: Wednesday, March 7th 2012, 14:30
- Constantinos Constantinou
- Ohio
- Wednesday, February 22nd 2012, 14:30
- The PICASSO and DEAP-3600 Dark Matter Search
Experiments at SNOLAB
- Tony Noble
- Queen's University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 8th 2012, 14:30
- Morphology of the dark matter contribution to the 511
keV gamma ray sky: constraints from INTEGRAL/SPI observations
- Aaron Vincent
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 31st 2012, 14:00
- Special Astroparticle Seminar
- Searches for Exotic Physics with leptons and photons
with the ATLAS Detector
- Dominique Fortin
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 25th 2012, 14:30
- Optimizing global 21cm signal measurements with
spectral and spatial information
- Adrian Liu
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 11th 2012, 14:30
- Old Physics, New Tricks, and the Theory of Atomic Dark
- Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine
- Abstract