CPM Seminar
Approaching the limit: Multiplexed Super-Resolution
Microscopy with DNA-PAINT and Exchange-PAINT
Ralf Jungmann
Wyss Institute Harvard University
Super-resolution fluorescence microscopy is a powerful tool for biological
research, but obtaining multiplexed images for a large number of distinct
target species remains challenging. Here we use the transient binding of
short fluorescently labeled oligonucleotides (DNA-PAINT, a variation of
point accumulation for imaging in nanoscale topography) for simple and
easy-to-implement multiplexed superresolution imaging that achieves
sub-10-nm spatial resolution in vitro on synthetic DNA structures.
We report a multiplexing approach (Exchange-PAINT) that allows sequential
imaging of multiple targets using only a single dye and a single laser
source. We experimentally demonstrate ten-color super-resolution imaging in
vitro on synthetic DNA structures as well as four-color two-dimensional
imaging and three-color 3D imaging of proteins in fixed cells.
1. R. Jungmann, M.S. Avenda�o, J.B. Woehrstein, M. Dai, W.M. Shih, P. Yin, Nature Methods (2014).
2. R. Iinuma, Y. Ke, R. Jungmann, T. Schlichthaerle, J.B. Woehrstein, P. Yin. Science (2014).
3. N.D. Derr, B.S. Goodman, R. Jungmann, A.E. Leschziner, W.M. Shih, S.L. Reck-Peterson. Science (2012).
4. C. Lin, R. Jungmann, A.M. Leifer, C. Li, D. Levner, G.M. Church, W.M. Shih, and P. Yin. Nature Chemistry (2012).
5. R. Jungmann, C. Steinhauer, M. Scheible, A. Kuzyk, P. Tinnefeld, and F.C. Simmel. Nano Letters (2010).
Thursday, September 4th 2014, 15:30
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, R.E. Bell Conference Room (room 103)