Research Projects

Current Projects

W gamma gamma measurement

For my PhD thesis I am working on a Standard measurement: the production of a W bosons in association with 2 photon in proton-proton collision using ATLAS run II data. This will be the first observation of the process, it is also a very interesting interaction since it is sensitive to anomalous quartic gauge couplings (aQGC) and will enable me to constrain Beyond the Standard Model theories.

Past Projects

Electron reconstruction

For my ATLAS qualification task, I have worked on ATLAS High Level Trigger (HLT). The HLT is a software component of the ATLAS detector that selects the most interesting events for future analyses.

I worked on electron track reconstruction at the HLT in in order to improve its efficiency. To do so I added the Gaussian Sum Filter algorithm (GSF) to electron trigger chains. The GSF algorithm takes into account bremsstrahlung emission of photons in the inner detector and yields a better track reconstruction than the algorithm currently used.

H to ZA exotic decay

For my master thesis, I worked on a search in the context of a 2 Higgs Doblet Model (2HDM). The search was carried out at the Centre for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3) under the supervision of Prof. Christophe Delaere with CMS data.
The full thesis is available here.


My thesis describes a search for the exotic decay H -> ZA ->llbb in the context of a 2 Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM) using proton-proton collision data collected at √s=8TeV with the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC. A new analysis method is studied: the mbb-mllbb invariant mass plane is scanned for a double resonance using elliptical bins of variable shape to take advantage of the signal correlation in order to increase the signal over background ratio. While keeping a mostly model-independent approach, this strategy improves significantly the sensitivity, compared to the study published by the CMS collaboration on the same data set. No excess was found and a generic limit on the signal cross section was set: it varies from a few fb to 100fb depending on the region of the mass plane.

Dark Matter associated production

As a DESY summer student, I had the opportunity to work with DESY's CMS group on the production of Dark Matter at the LHC. The goal of this project was to explore new observables in search for tt+DM beyond missing transverse energy. A top quark kinematic reconstruction model in the dileptonic channel was studied. More specifically, a coupling between the top quark and a dark matter mediator was supposed and the reliability of the kinematic reconstruction algorithm in that case was tested.