Mass Loss and Winds in Type I X-ray Bursts, from the X-ray burst workshop held in Prato, Italy, June 2018. An overview of mass loss in Type I X-ray bursts and discussion of how to couple X-ray burst and wind models.
A New Perspective on Neutron Star Cooling, what we can learn about neutron star core physics by observing transiently accreting neutron stars in quiescence. From the COSPAR meeting held in Pasadena, July 2018.
Crustal Cooling of Neutron Stars, an overview of crust cooling in accreting neutron stars and magnetars, at the JINA-CEE International Symposium on Neutron Stars, Ohio University May 2016.
Magnetic Field Evolution in Neutron Star Crusts, colloquium at Catolica University in Chile, October 2014. Open issues in magnetic field evolution in neutron stars, and how magnetic fields evolve in neutron star crusts, focussing on the recent discovery of a Hall attractor.
Nuclear Burning on Accreting Neutron Stars, given at the NS2014 conference in St. Petersburg, Russia, August 2014. In this talk, which covers open issues in nuclear burning on accreting neutron stars, I focus on the evidence for a shallow heat source in neutron star oceans and its possible link to the geometry of the accretion flow.
X-ray Bursts and Neutron Star Crusts, given at the Nuclear Astrophysics Town Hall Meeting in Detroit, October 2012. In this talk, I highlight recent progress and open issues in the nuclear astrophysics of accreting neutron stars.